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Klipsch Heresy II Hot Rod Cobra Blue

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I am just finishing up this speaker project. The cabinets were a little rough so the only reasonable option was to get a profession auto spray done. I report more later but wanted to get some shots up.

A few more.

Booyootiful! How damn pretty. thanks for sharing the photos.  Good luck with this project!

Thanks. I haven't had too much time to listen to them let. Last night I got a few minutes of low level listening and today for lunch I listen for about 45 minutes at loud volumes. I like the II 's more than the I's. I'm hoping to hold on to this pair for a while. The paint is fabulous and the sound, so far, is the best Heresy's that I've heard.

Here is the skinny on what I did.

As you can see the cabinets were is very good shape, however, there were two veneer issues that stuck out like a wart on a nose. Therefore, staining them was not in the cards. Of course, I could have stain them ebony and it would of hid the blemishes but I thought that I might as well do something bold and do it right. After consulting with friends and family I settled on a Cobra Blue. Other colors were red, yellow and purple. My son convinced me that if I eventually wanted to sell them I better go with blue.

The tweeter now sport a titanium diaphragm, which extends them and provide a more realistic timbre.

New binding post were added, as I hate those cheap plastic things.

Crossovers caps were replaced and upgraded.

Acoustic damping material strategically placed in the cabinet.

Custom 14" stand were made so that it sound like your on the floor and not in the balcony.

Can't wait to kick out the jams tomorrow!

Finally, I'm getting some time to kick out the jams. Listen to Jeff Beck's, "Loud Hailer" with and without the subs on. Depending on the type of music I'm listening to certainly tells me whether the subs are a must or not. The II's continue to impress me with a better balance sound then the I's I had. Maybe it is the improved tweeter, the titanium  diaphragm, tweaks I made to the cabinet, or crossover mods. Regardless, when comparing both pairs, before and after mods, the II's seem to be a better sonic value.

Don't get me wrong, both sets have the Klipsch house sound. They are punchy, with an emphasis on the midband. It is just that the I's were a bit  too hot in the midband and required additional tweaks to balance them out. The II's on the other hand, are punchy but better balance.

Oh, and there is that Klipsch midband seasoning that you either like or don't. But, hook them up to tubes and you are often nicely rewarded. Anyway, although I bought these as a project to enjoy for a short time and then sell, I'm really considering keeping them. It looks like I might have to sell a pair of microphones in order to rarionalize keeping them. These guys are sounding nice and they look freaking incredible, too.


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