Gear / Technical Help > Battery Boxes, Preamps, Mixers, ADCs, and Processors

ISO: Smallest 48k powersupply

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I love my Sony A10 and is ability to use an app for setting levels. In case you need too, you can hook all things on and put it on, way before a show starts and there is no need to doublecheck it all.

with that i would like to use it with a pair of 48v mics. what options do i have for a small powersupply? Denecke PS2? 3 hour batterylife will do.

JuicedLink RM222. It supports 12V/48V of phantom power, runs off a single 9V Li-ion battery for > 3.5 hours.
It's discontinued now, but I still have an unused one at home as a backup unit, if there's any interest.

Otherwise, check out the ones made by Kortwich, though you might need some external batteries.

I've never used one, but Core Sound sells a P48 battery box. The 2Phant...

There are some in line power supplies as well, but you would need 2 of them.  They are relatively small.

yug du nord:
I haven't seen any in-line P48 supplies...  but if it's within your budget, consider a small-ish preamp instead of a dedicated P48 supply.  I think small preamps are about the same size as most external P48 supplies.  And the preamp most likely would be higher quality than the A10 preamps.
But an external preamp would most likely be more expensive.

But then again, you would probably have to keep an eye on the external preamp...  so my suggestion might be worthless.   :facepalm:


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