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Are windscreens a necessity for indoor shows?

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Subject says it all.

like everything it depends

no hvac or other smoke considerations ? probably not

I alway bring, but rarely use unless there are fans/hvac nearby as stated above. Of course there is less protection for the capsules if the stand goes down or any fluids are thrown etc.

tim in jersey:
I run screens indoors at every show that isn't 007 especially @ venues I am unfamiliar with.

I once taped an indoor show during the summer. I was all set up band takes the stage, they lowered the house lights and then turned on these gigantic ceiling fans on full blast. One of these happened to be directly above my rig. I got some minor wind noise. Ever since then I run the screens "just in case"...

Fatah Ruark (aka MIKE B):
I run small windscreens inside "just in case."

Other than possible wind noise from A/C, fans, etc, I also like that it (somewhat) protects the caps if the stand were to get knocked over.


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