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How do you transport caps and mic bodies?

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This question is directed at those using full bodied SDCs, not actives or AT853/CA14 sized mics.

I used the box that came with my Avantone CK-1s and it worked nicely, especially as the width of the two placed side by side longwise fit perfectly into my backpack and it allowed me to easily pack the additional caps and shockmoints. I do anticipate moving to a dedicated gear bag and the boxes aren’t light. What’s your approach?

A lot of people use cigar caddies. Personally, I use a Pelican box with pick-n-pluck foam. My mics have quite small bodies, though, so I can use a rather small Pelican.

Small Pelican cases.  They work great.

Cigar caddy for the bodies, small Pelican case with pick n pluck foam for the caps.

Cigar Caddy since day one. Love it


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