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Newbie here, wanna start taping but don't know where to start.

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Hi everyone!

while downloading some shows from a taper he told me about this place. I want to get into taping but I don't know anything about microphones/portable recorders, basically I don't know anything about the equipment needed for taping. I hear many talking about stealth recording set-ups. Is there any down-side stealth-recording and the equipment needed for this compared to "normal" recording? If stealth recording doesn't affect the sound, why don't everyone stealth record even though taping is allowed? Isn't it convenient to record while not having to think about the mic setup etc?

I would also welcome tips and good things to know about taping (where should I stand, will movement/dancing/digging to the music affect the sound or should I just stand still. ye basically a "good-to-know-guide" would be great to read. I've searched the web but haven't found anything.

So with all the nooby questions asked above I got a couple of more questions. What's a good set-up for a beginner? Or should I go "hard core" at the start and buy the taping equipments to a Rolls Royce? I will need everything (gear) that is required for taping. If anyone would like to share a good set-up to me that would be cool. Sorry for the bad English, I'm Swedish.
Budget: no idea what I'd have to pay for a good set up but nothing more than 500 $ would be good (this is for all the equipment needed).

Looking forward to your replies so I can start taping  :)


PS. Please move this thread to another sub-forum if this isn't the right place to post. Thanks mod!

Welcome.  Peruse the threads.  You can get a good setup for your budget.  There are a couple of cool tapers from Sweden on here who can provide some mentor-ship too I would expect.

Stealth thing is pretty easy, I generally tape that way, if only to keep people from asking about it. Equipment is pretty straight forward. A set of Sound pro mics, a sound pro battery box and a Sony a10 should probably get you going at under $500. Used gear buys here are a good way to go, too. There’s a “complete” set up in the yard sale right now, also a Sony m10 which has really excellent battery life and is small. The m10 also has built in mics which might suit your needs for a start. Pretty simple that way. There’s also a set of ca11 mics in the yard sale that are in Europe.

What you tape also makes a difference. It’s hard to get a good recording at a big arena show or at a place where the audience does a lot of talking. But for bar shows with loud amplified music or  quieter music where the audience shuts up, you can get some pretty nice stuff

 Good luck, have fun & share your results freely!


Welcome!  :cheers:

I'm also from Sweden. In which area do you live?

You will most likely need to purchase your gear online from the US. It's unfortunately difficult to find dealers/sellers from Sweden, or even Europe. Luckily, shipping international is not a hugh deal nowadays. Just remember, when purchasing from a non EU country you'll have to pay approximatily 30% extra for custom charges.

Some beginners starts with only a recorder with decent internal microphones. If you ask me, and most tapers here, you'll get much better results with most external microphones. There are tons of options. It all depends on how much work you want to put into this and how important the end result is for you.

Here in Sweden we don't have an open taping spirit like in the US. At least all tapers I know from here do stealth. Do your thing and no questions asked.


--- Quote from: daspyknows on June 25, 2019, 11:39:04 PM ---Welcome.  Peruse the threads.  You can get a good setup for your budget.  There are a couple of cool tapers from Sweden on here who can provide some mentor-ship too I would expect.

--- End quote ---

I found some kind of "getting started" thread that I'll carefully read. I'm very committed to this. Sweet with some fellow comrades, I just saw that one has already replied. I recognize your name, think I have stuff that you have taped, thanks for what you're doing! 


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