So it looks like the consensus is to run with the "Line-In" port. What about the "Plug in Power" setting - If I am using an Ugly Battery Box should the PIP be set to the ON or OFF position?
Here is my experience,
NOTE: Depends on output level of microphones,
low levels (voices at home, lectures from the audience
HI SENS, MIC IN #4 to #6
Moderate music (some acoustic, light amplified)
LO SENS, MIC IN #4 to #6
Loud amplified rock, anything where I need to turn down below #3 on LO SENS
LINE IN #10, and move down for really loud
If you're using a battery box, turn off plug in power. That is in the DETAIL menu.
By the way, for very low levels, such as acoustic music, ambient sounds,
you may be able to run mics directly from Plug in Power to mic in, without the battery box.
Less connections = less chance of failure.
Do some experiments and have fun!