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Recording quiet shows - Settings?

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I usually tape loud rock and metal shows but lately I have been to some shows with acoustic guitar and vocals (through a PA system). As these are more quiet I get a lot of hiss. I have tried taping with regular input level (3-4) and adding gain in post. Also tried a higher input level but with the same results. I really hate noise reduction so I would prefer not to use it.

Is it possible to use the mic input or will the recording get overloaded? I have an "important" show to tape on Wednesday. With other words, I don't have time to try this myself before then and I really don't want to fail.

The equipment I use:
Sony PCM-M10
Nbob actives
Nbox Platinum
AKG CK61/63

Any advice is welcome. Thanks in advance.

Ask Dr. Nick.  Never have had the problem with the Schoeps MK4/41

I increase the M-10 so the VU settings are -12.  If that means an M-10 setting of 8 or 9 then so be it.  But if it is too quiet, boosting in post introduces some hiss.

^ all good advice.

Are you certain that this is isn't ambient noise in the room like an HVAC system. While it may get buried into the noise floor at a louder show you will definitely hear it at a quiet show. As you increase the gain you will increase that noise as well.

The M-10 works fine going mic in with a lower signal. Whether the signal with your particular equipment will be low enough I couldn't say, but if cranking the gain on line in to 10 doesn't do the trick, I'd expect mic in on, say, 3 should be okay.


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