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Soundman binaural mics--first recording


Recorded at Pagosa Springs Folk and Bluegrass festival in June. Soundman OKM II > Soundman A3 Battery Box > Tascam DR100 mk3. Mics were not in my ears. Just one track. Lots of whooping and hollering. It's inside a big tent, kind of funny resonance? Any comments on how to improve it? Thanks.

Molly Tuttle, flatpicking phenom.


--- Quote from: mandodon on June 26, 2017, 01:23:27 PM --- Mics were not in my ears.

--- End quote ---
How did you have them set up?

In my ball cap headband either side of the bill.

I'm certainly no expert, but my guess is you're further back than would be ideal for the circumstances.  Whether it was actually feasible for you to get to the "sweet spot" is another matter, of course.

As far as improving it in post, I'd probably start with trying to bring down the level of at least the big cheers/yells/claps.

well binaural mics are omnis. They might not be the best place or music for these type of mics. A louder show and being way up front would probably be a better test.
Any show where you get loud wooping over acoustic music would be a great place for cards.
Did you have auto levels (gain) on? part of what I hear sounds like some auto limiting of level settings.

Perhaps try stack taping or being real close to the PA in venues like this.


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