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Suggestions for a small stealth deck (like pcm-10) but with balnce controls

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Looking for a small stealth deck with left right balance controls for external mics. Sony pcm-10 would have been perfect for naiant ipa but does not have balance control.
Which do you prefer for stealth: dr-40, dr-05, r-05, m audio track or other I'm not considering.
Looking for small size, balance control, decent pres, visable/good screen size, secure inputs.
I will run it with my mbho ka200n > naiant ipa > stealth deck.
Getting ready for McLaughlin and Herring in nov

Is the PCM-D100 too big for you? I've managed to stealth with it in my jeans pocket, with the advantage that it provides 5v PIP which has been enough to ditch the battery box or pre-amp.


--- Quote from: adrianb on August 15, 2017, 02:50:05 AM ---Is the PCM-D100 too big for you? I've managed to stealth with it in my jeans pocket, with the advantage that it provides 5v PIP which has been enough to ditch the battery box or pre-amp.

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Pcm-d100 runs around $800. I am looking to spend <$400 since I rarely stealth.
I occasionally used my ocm pmd661 as an all in one box but wanding is so prevalent now days I need something smaller for low pro stealth.


--- Quote from: MBHOTAPER on August 15, 2017, 02:19:32 AM ---Looking for a small stealth deck with left right balance controls for external mics. Sony pcm-10 would have been perfect for naiant ipa but does not have balance control.
Which do you prefer for stealth: dr-40, dr-05, r-05, m audio track or other I'm not considering.

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I don't think the R-05 has balance control.  I'd love to be wrong about that though.

Tascam has a toggle for Left/Both/Right channel and then one input level knob. It works great and additionally has XLR-ins which I prefer in all taping situations. But given the choice, I'd rather stealth the mixpre than the tascam due to the superior preamps.


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