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Seamless Merge Tracks In Audacity


So, I have four tracks from some cassettes i'd like to merge so I can hear the music without the slight skip.  So far I have the tracks aligned end to end and haven't done anything else to them.  Could someone show me who I can merge these tracks seamlessly?


Go to the menu and go...

Tracks > Mix and Render To New Track (this will give you a new combined track with the originals in place) or
Track > Mix and Render (this will combine the tracks to a new track in place of the originals)


Not sure what you're trying for here, but if you need to remove some silence between songs, you could use Edit > Cut or control-X?!

If there's a seam there that you then want to heal up, select over it and click control-J to Join, or in the menu, Edit > Clip Boundaries > Join.

If you still hear a discontinuity at the seams, you can try a quick fade out and fade in to clean that up?

Live recording on cassettes that when I transferred into Audacity and tried to merge each track ( 4 sides ) I can hear the slightest skip or gap. 

I'll try the suggestions.



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