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Wireless Board Feed

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I guess this goes here.

I went to record a show last night at an unfamiliar venue.  While the sound guy was willing to give me a board feed, the board was located behind a curtain behind the band.  He was , of course, controlling the board with an iPad from elsewhere in the room.  Great technology for being able to hear the room and make adjustments to the PA.  Not so great if you want a board feed and your recorder and mics are set up across the room from the band.

Anybody got a reasonable technology fix for this?  I know the video guys have all kinds of wireless devices that they use, including multichannel devices.  Near as I can tell, the pro stuff like Lectrosonics would probably work, but it is, of course, priced like SD and Zax.  I was wondering if there was any other decent and affordable alternative anyone could recommend?

I can see this happening more frequently and it would be nice to have a fix.

We have a few stages here that employ the iPad wireless method. The boards themselves have hotspots the sound tech can connect to. It's a great system for them.

I get them to give me a split off the main FOH outs and bring it to our booth via copper -- long balanced cable with XLR connectors on it. I found that it's the rare sound tech indeed that does any panning, so the feed is mono, saving us the need to run separate left 'n' right cables.

This answer isn't likely to be very helpful. Copper is dependable and cheap but a pain in the butt to haul and rig. It's what we're doing right now. Hopefully someone will chime in with an affordable wireless low-latency hi-fi mono (at least) link thingy that could be plugged into the sound board's headphone out or main split and get a line-level receive of the sound board's audio to plug into a recorder. 500mW FM transmitter and a transistor radio?

I could plug my dr22wl into the soundboard and control it with my android tablet maybe 30 feet away using the internal router.  If i get too far away, i lose control, but the recording keeps going.  Guess I could use a battery powered router to extend the range. 

IMO, the f8 and its competitors would have been even more useful in the scenario you are discussing if they had included control via wifi instead of Bluetooth because of the longer range of WiFi.

I never thought of it until now- what about a pair of low-latency bluetooth transceivers?

Using the appropriate adapters, connect one to the sbd out (in transmit mode) and the other to your deck's line-in (in receive mode). The batteries are rated for 20 hours, and they make models with a 65 foot range. Is there any reason this won't work?

Yeah, this could be a good option. Bluetooth and wifi and other wireless device manufacturers often overstate the usable range, so that's worth considering. And how the device sounds -- who know? Might not be any worse than your usual live music venue sound board. Let us know!


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