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Sources for an especially well shielded VGA cable or add-on shielding?


At work we have an office in relative close proximity to a TIG welding machine, with the two separated only by an interior wall.  When the welding machine is in operation, EMI from it causes visual interference in the computer monitor and audible interference in the desk phone.  While not overly concerned about the phone interference, the visual interference on the monitor is a problem which needs to be addressed.

I've rigged up a test of additional shielding on the existing VGA cable, using heavy duty aluminum foil wrapped around the cable run, fully encapsulating it from computer to monitor with one end loosely grounded to the computer case with adhesive tape.  This arrangement successfully eliminates the visual interference on the monitor, yet is a temporary fix which is vaguely reminiscent of some sort of "frankenstein tin-foil dreadlock" or "tin-man intestine".  I'm looking for a permanent solution.

Searching online I've been unable to find a VGA cable which indicates improved shielding over standard-shielded VGA cables with integrated ferrites.  Anyone here have leads on finding something of this nature?  This option would be the prefered fix.

If I can't find anything, I may try some braided conductive cable-wrap and use that as a more suitable replacement for the temporary aluminum foil shielding over the existing VGA cable.  Here is some specifically targeting EMI shielding on the Techflex website-
And here is Techflex's shielded heat-shrink, which might also conceivably do the job-

Any one have experience with those products?

as cheap as monitors and vid cards are it may be more practical to upgrade to HDMI

Could have the same issue with EMI/RFI, no?

Maybe I should just uses some nicer looking flexible tubing over the existing foil!

perhaps. im assuming a digital signal will be a lot more immune


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