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Mic Pre Amps and what is necessary

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OK, new question (sort of):
Being relatively new to using a pre-amp & phantom power for microphones, I need some clarification from those in the taping community.

My main concern will be when using mics > pre > 744T. Mics being used on stage to essentially mic amps and drums.

In comparing the Sound Devices 302 to the Sound Devices MixPre-D, I see, aside from the obvious additional mic input on the 302, is that the 302 has a gain control for each input as opposed to the MixPre-D having no additional gain control at all (in other words, the gain will be set at a permanent 0db).  Also, the MixPre-D has a digital output, whereas the 302 only has an analog output.  Did I miss any other important differences?

My questions regarding my observations are these:
How important is the mic gain, in addition to the fader (input) and the input on the 744T?  Please explain so I understand, this is new for me.
It seem to me that a digital output would be important running into the 744T, as opposed to it?  What are the differences?

Thank you in advance...I've managed to avoid using mic pre's (other than a small stealth one) for over 30 years, but it's finally caught up with me, and now I need help.

If you were happy running the 700s right into a deck, you'll be happy with the 744 pres. unless you feel like carrying unnecessary gear.

I'm not as concerned about the pres for the 700's, but will need phantom and pres for other mics.  If I was only ever going to run the 700's, I wouldn't buy a pre at all.

I'd try to run the 744 pres for awhile before committing. Just me.  Schoeps are the first mikes I
Have owned that need no color from an outboard pre, just clean power and gain.

That's a big part of my question, the important is it?  Otherwise, all I have is the input on the 744T.


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