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Uploading torrent to Etree problem

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So I am trying to get my recent recording on etree to share. It's my first time. I went through all the steps laid out. I created the torrent with maketorrent. (I didn't change anything after that, everything is 100%). I went through the steps on etree to upload the .torrent file and add all the info about it. Everything was "Successful". Then i got on utorrent v2.2.1 and added the torrent, selected the folder... it checked it and now it sits at 100% and says "seeding". The tracker on the torrent is the correct one as well.

I've waited more than an hour now and my torrent page on etree says "Visible | no (dead)". I have tried using another client and that didn't work. I've tried updating the tracker, and that didn't work. I don't know what my problem is. Anyone have any ideas on what i should do?

did it create your page after you submitted ? if so do you have a link to the torrent ?

I just checked and there hasn't been a new torrent since 8/21 (2 days ago).  there are 14 since then that shows no seeders so I'm betting it's a tracker issue.

It's not you - it is the site. Just need to wait it out  until they fix it.

I tried to upload something yesterday and etree won't recognize my login credentials even though I can use the same credentials to login to just fine.  I noticed no uploads for a day or so and figured they were having problems beyond the intermittent extended downtimes of the past few months.  I sent them an email and as expected no reply.


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