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Cassette Tape Conversion Plan---Add an EQ to the chain?

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My plan is to digitize my dad's collection of Dead tapes that he made from 78 - 95. And also do work on archiving a collection of about 200 hours of tapes of local Tulsa, OK blues guitarist Steve Pryor (R.I.P).

My dad has two Nakamichi tape decks. I plan on cleaning them up and using the better of the two to play the tapes.

Run out of the Nak into a Sound Devices USB Pre2...

Into a Marantz 561.

My dad posed the question as to whether we would benefit from adding an equalizer into the chain after the tape deck and before the pre amp. This is my question. And I would LOVE any other advice.

My only other piece of equipment is a Scarlett 2i2 from Focusrite...I picked it up (mint) at the pawn shop for $30....but if I am going to go from tape deck > Scarlett 2i2 > computer....I need to buy a new computer and that is a whole other can of worms (brand, specs, what sound card, etc.)

Life In Rewind:

--- Quote from: Mr.Fantasy on May 05, 2017, 11:57:43 AM ---My plan is to digitize my dad's collection of Dead tapes that he made from 78 - 95. And also do work on archiving a collection of about 200 hours of tapes of local Tulsa, OK blues guitarist Steve Pryor (R.I.P).

My dad has two Nakamichi tape decks. I plan on cleaning them up and using the better of the two to play the tapes.

Run out of the Nak into a Sound Devices USB Pre2...

Into a Marantz 561.

My dad posed the question as to whether we would benefit from adding an equalizer into the chain after the tape deck and before the pre amp. This is my question. And I would LOVE any other advice.

My only other piece of equipment is a Scarlett 2i2 from Focusrite...I picked it up (mint) at the pawn shop for $30....but if I am going to go from tape deck > Scarlett 2i2 > computer....I need to buy a new computer and that is a whole other can of worms (brand, specs, what sound card, etc.)

--- End quote ---

Do the EQ with software after you do the transfer.

Nothing wrong with either approach - the Marantz keeps you from tying up your computer.

The focusrite - no need for a real snazzy computer to make 2 channels work...the focusrite becomes the soundcard - so no need for anything else...but it does tie up your PC during the transfer

twatts (pants are so over-rated...):
Do the EQ after the Transfer on your PC.

Use the Marantz so you can be transferring one while tracking out another.

Check Archive or LL to make sure those same Sources haven't already been Transferred.  Sometimes, there are Upgrades, etc.  It might just be easier to get a new version of the same tape rather than transferring the one you got.  Of course, if he taped the shows himself and they are Masters, you can ignore this...


Add me to the EQ after transfer. This way you basically have the "raw master file" which can be edited in any way you wish just like your modern digi recordings.

One other idea- the Nak tape decks may or may not have automatic azimuth control. If not, it will be important to look up the model number and determine if you can manually adjust the azimuth FOR EACH tape.
You can look this up and hopefully others who do this will also chime in but setting azimuth is the number one action cassette deck wise other than cleaning the heads and take up reels.
As those tapes are quite old, I would plan on cleaning the heads after every xx tapes (for me that is a max of 5, but I typically clean heads after every tape)

Thanks for all the responses guys. I think you have all given sage advice and I really appreciate it.

Not being any sort of expert at Audacity still the go-to free program? Or are there any programs (free or otherwise) that would benefit me...while still being usable without formal education?  :bigsmile:


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