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The easiest free audio/video software to use for PC?


My girlfriend is a middle school music teacher and I did a basic two channel audio and separate video recording for her school play she produced. Not looking for anything super fancy. I just zero experience with the process and advice would be greatly appreciated. Audio is 24/48- wav and I believe the video is AVI. Thanks in advance.

Video NLE (Non Linear Editor) software is complicated by nature, especially because video is "blessed" with so many different "standard" formats. So stand by for plenty of learning and frustration regardless of the tool you choose.

Windows Live Movie Maker is still available from Microsoft as a free download.

Shotcut is also a free download and might do the job.

I've used Avidemux in the past and had some success.


Thank you. I've been working on it with Windows live. It's not as "easy" and "quick" as I might have originally planned. Thanks for the links too. I appreciate it.

Video editing certainly can be painful, and the early steps are the most painful for many reasons.

Here's another one people have been talking about as a free and useful tool:

It's originally an effects tool but folks are touting it as a light NLE.



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