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Current DPA microdot solutions?

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Are there any currently available microdot to 1/8th inch boxes that are small and not the D-Vice?
I've done a search and I see that there were some various options over the years, but that was all about 10 years back, the DPA MPS seems to be discontinued, along with all the other things that seemed like possibilities. Any suggestions? Thanks!

Chris Church has built preamps that work with microdot in and give 1/8" out if that's something you're looking for.  Not sure of the price or build time (especially since he suffered a bad injury last month that's recurred).  Other than that, you're gonna be stuck looking at eBay trying to source the original power solutions from DPA (or maybe find a TinyBox that had microdots on it but those are VERY rare and the rechargeable batteries are prone to issues).

Join the DPA discussion thread. There are cable and battery box options which allow you to retain the microdot terminations, while utilizing a y-cable that terminates to 1/8" connector.  You can then run them off a small battery box.

This requires a few steps (getting the cable ordered and customized, obtaining a battery box), but it's cheaper than the d:vice.

See gutbucket's post here to get started:

I have the mps6030 I think it is. A little plastic battery box that takes a left and right microdot and outputs to 1/8 stereo. It powers the mics but does not provide any gain.
I found mine in Yardsale bundled with a pair of 4061's.

You might want to do an ISO post in Yardsale. I've seen another one change hands since I bought mine. There may be one collecting dust in someone's gear closet here.


--- Quote from: audBall on August 21, 2018, 10:45:15 AM ---Join the DPA discussion thread. There are cable and battery box options which allow you to retain the microdot terminations, while utilizing a y-cable that terminates to 1/8" connector.  You can then run them off a small battery box.

This requires a few steps (getting the cable ordered and customized, obtaining a battery box), but it's cheaper than the d:vice.

See gutbucket's post here to get started:

--- End quote ---



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