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adapting KCY binder to EN3


i have a KCY IPA im gonna cannabilize to use with a pair of nick's actives that have switchcraft EN3 connection

they are og schoeps colletes not nbobs if that makes a difference

what are the pinouts for these KCY binder and EN3 connectors?

i know the kcy connectors are obsolete, im gonna cannibalize a TA6F>female EN3 adapter i have


You can still buy the binder connectors - it's a 5 pin 711 or 712 (if you want shielding - not what Schoeps used)

The connectors are made by Binder and sold via the binder USA website.

pin assignments out of memory:
1 = gnd - shielding
2 = L - white wire
3 = R - yellow wire
4 = 6.2v FET - brown wire
5 = 60v Polarization - green wire

These colors align with Schoeps 4 conductor cabling

oddly enough the ipa uses all 5 pins plus a chassis ground

redundant ground?


--- Quote from: jerryfreak on August 20, 2019, 10:32:26 PM ---oddly enough the ipa uses all 5 pins plus a chassis ground

redundant ground?

--- End quote ---

Probably to ground the barrel on the binder to help with shielding


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