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on-stage taping

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What's mic config do you guys usually run on-stage?  I was thinking xy or ortf, but was curious.  This is for OM Trio if that helps.


Craig T:
x/y, m/s (which is essentially x/y that you can adjust the angle in post), blumlein (fig8's x/y 90*).  of course m/s & blumlein are only an option if you have a fig8 cap.

ortf exaggerates the L/R separation, I like to hear the music "float" between my speakers, not have one instrument come out of one and another out of the other.

don't worry about getting your mic stand in the center of the stage.  You'll want to use your ears to find a spot where you'll pick up the best balance between the instruments, their amps, and the monitors (if the band uses them).  I try to keep the monitors out of the recording since they tend to screw up the image, but if the band uses any electronic instruments (ie. keyboard, synth) you may need to get some monitor in your mics.

good luck,

Craig T.

Jason Brantley:
Hey Craig,

Finally getting around to listening to that SKB from 2/21/03 you were generous enough to send us.  

Great example of a M/S stage tape.  Sounds GREAT!  That ADK UA5 combo sounds great considering for the price point.

Thanks again for sending it our way.


Jason Brantley

I would like to know more about on stage taping. Where do you set up, what exactly are you picking up on stage? Best configs, stand height, etc.

Quick question...(just going to bump this since it the first on stage thread that search came up with..)

how high do people normally run on-stage?  I was really hoping to try it tonight but my DIY stand out of a 5 dollar walmart lamp will only be running the mics about a foot and a half off the ground in their mounts.  I'm hoping to get a SBD as well so I'm not really worried about vocals.  Its an upbeat all strings bluegrass band just FYI.


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