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decent low-power (PIP) 2 wire mics

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cant remember where i read it but there were some mics that can do decent hi spl below 2V, it was some brand i never heard of. also i think some church and SP mics can run on PIP with acceptable results. ive seen several recorders with PIP in the 2-3V range, which is a little low for 4063s which are relatively expensive as well

they dont need to be off-the-shelf necessarily. if resistor mods can help accomplish the same thing, they are fair game

Though I'm not optimistic about the results, I will be testing the Sennheiser MKE2 mics this Friday with only PiP from my Roland R-05.  If by some miracle they perform well, I'll be shouting from the mountaintop about it.


--- Quote from: heathen on April 09, 2019, 11:22:44 AM ---Though I'm not optimistic about the results, I will be testing the Sennheiser MKE2 mics this Friday with only PiP from my Roland R-05.  If by some miracle they perform well, I'll be shouting from the mountaintop about it.

--- End quote ---

I had great results running mine with PIP from the MixPre 6 at a John Kadlecik solo acoustic show, though it wasn't a loud show at all.

Here's a sample of the first set (mke2 only):

If all goes well, I'll be taping a few shows at 420 Fest next week so I'll have more examples after that.

Oscarsoundtech -tram clones 1.3v

AKG CK77’s can run off 1.5V and handle pretty reasonable SPLs, though do best with 9-12v. They are omni’s.


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