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Cassette transfers.

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Got another load of GD cassettes coming in this summer. Been experimenting with a few already and undecided on best transfer method that is available to me. Cassette deck is the only constant. Nakamichi CR5A.

This is what I have available:

1. CR5A >V3(digital out)>722
2. CR5A> V3(analog out)>722
- I’ve used both of these quite a bit over the years and have been pleased with the results.
3. CR5A>722
4. CR5A>V2>722
5. CR5A>Mix Pre 6
6. CR5A>ACM V3(digital out)>722

I’ve pretty much tried them all except the V2>722 and ACM Mod V3.

Thanks for the input.

Why use the V2 or V3 at all?  Do you hear a difference between its AD converter and that in the 722?


--- Quote from: heathen on April 24, 2019, 05:58:37 PM ---Why use the V2 or V3 at all?  Do you hear a difference between its AD converter and that in the 722?

--- End quote ---

Good question. The answer is yes, depending. I definitely hear a difference in the V3 AD and would hope to hear a big difference in the ACM V3 compared to the 722 AD. More important question to me is the V2 in front of 722. What purpose would this serve? Different flavor?

keep it simple

I use my V3 ACM Oade for cassette transfers at 24/96 and can not hear a difference from the source whether it is vinyl or casettes.


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