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Dell Inspiron 1520--Old XP Home Laptop


What good is this old laptop?  I'm on it now as I type asking this question.  Maybe easier to edit and track music to upload than a Mac?  I'm still working on a way to transfer my DATs ( before they or I croak ), but I'm not trying really hard.

We are in the process of evaluating our bunch of extra laptops and might either try to sell them of take them to recycling.

Several dead/dying Macbooks and several PC laptops. 

This one I'm on now I've had for a longtime as you can imagine but it's been in storage since I switched to Macs who knows when.

Fatah Ruark (aka MIKE B):
I install Ubuntu Linux on my old computers and then donate them.

If you have a use for a basic computer, they will work for that too.

If it's running slow swapping out the hard drive for a SSD drive is an option as well.

I'm actually going to do that with a couple of old desktops and a laptop this week. I don't need any of them so all of them wil be donated and then I can write them off on my taxes.


Use it for streaming or watching videos on your teevee, using HDMI


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