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Author Topic: Edirol R-09 hidden menus- Switch off recording light (and turn on cool features)  (Read 19087 times)

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Offline Gutbucket

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I recently stumbled across this old post- (96Khz on the old R09?...Yes) and decided to poke around the hidden Test Mode and Debug Menus to see what undocumented options are available for the original R-09.  I've documented all the screens, tests and settings that I've found in the attached PDF.  There’s a lot of stuff in there.  Not all of it is useful, but there are some gems.  The credit for all this goes to xweirdo (Pat) for posting how to access these hiden menus.  Thanks Pat.

Personally, I have no desire to try and run this recorder at sampling rates higher than 48kHz (which may or may not prove to be stable).  I have changed a few settings to better fit my usage and those changes seem to be completely stable.  I'm quite happy about it.

A short list of what I've changed:

1) Completely turned off the blinking red recording LED (I can now remove the square of gaff tape from the clear window of the Body Glove case)

2) Changed the default file naming scheme from ‘R09_0001.WAV’ to 'Scene1_0001.WAV' for one of my R-09s and 'Scene2_0001.WAV' for the other, which immediately differentiates the files from each recorder after transfer.  If I had only one R-09 I would probably change the file naming scheme to the date format used on the R-44 (and probably the R-4/R-4Pro as well- dunno, I've never used those), which is a numeric format indicating year-month-date-hour-minute-second: ‘010625113113.WAV’

3) Increased the peak hold time to 5 seconds

4) Changed the eq, send and depth level settings of the reverb presets to values that are actually useful occasionally for playback (toned them way down so they aren’t so obvious and artificial)

Here’s a few things in there which others may find useful:

Adjustment of the gain balance between channels (untested)

‘One-touch’ recording (immediately enter record mode directly without rec-pause)

88.2 & 96kHz sampling rates (as on the HR)

Half speed playback (as on the HR)

Mute output on FFW/RWD

Change the display font size/bolding

Among others..

Enter at your own risk and enjoy!-
« Last Edit: June 25, 2010, 04:11:04 PM by Gutbucket »
musical volition > vibrations > voltages > numeric values > voltages > vibrations> virtual teleportation time-machine experience
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Offline it-goes-to-eleven

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Cool.  Thanks!

Offline Dede2002

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Great stuff. Thanks a lot.  ;)
Mics..........................SP-CMC-8, HLSC-1 and HLSO-MICRO
BB and Preamps........MM Micro bb / MM Custom Elite bb / Church 9100
Recorders...................Tascam DR-100MKIII, Marantz PMD 620 MKII, Edirol R-09

Offline fmaderjr

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Personally, I have no desire to try and run this recorder at sampling rates higher than 48kHz (which may or may not prove to be stable).  I have changed a few settings to better fit my usage and those changes seem to be completely stable.  I'm quite happy about it.

Great work. I agree as to the 96 Hz. Even if stable it probably wouldn't provide an audible improvement in sound. Not worth the risk of finding out it causes even occasional problems.

It's nice to be able to turn off the record light and make some of the other changes though.

Can't find anything similar in the R-09HR. Anybody find it?

« Last Edit: June 25, 2010, 07:25:41 PM by fmaderjr »
AT853's (all caps)/CM-300 Franken Naks (CP-1,2,3)/JBMod Nak 700's (CP-701,702) > Tascam DR-680
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Offline listener2

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Hey thanks for assembling the info into a .pdf file GutBucket!  I still have my trusty old R-09 and this is welcome news to know we can get into debug mode and set some of these parameters!
Credit and Thanks to the original poster xweirdo (Pat) of the info too!

Offline dmonkey

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Hey, this is COOL! I was just wishing I didn't have that damned red light on last night. Thanks for the guide!
MK4's, KM140's or MC930's >  Tinybox or Aerco MP-2 > R-09, M-10, R-44 (Oade CM) or MixPre-6

Offline ashevillain

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Anyone know how to access this hidden menu on the R-09HR?

Offline fmaderjr

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If you screw up any settings using the test mode and can't figure out how to set them back, you can use the regular menu to set everything back to factory default. I tested it and it turned my record light back on, so I'm sure it sets everything changed in the test mode back to factory default.   
AT853's (all caps)/CM-300 Franken Naks (CP-1,2,3)/JBMod Nak 700's (CP-701,702) > Tascam DR-680
Or Sonic Studios DSM-6 > M10

Offline Johnny Thunder

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:) All 5 of my '09's now record with one touch. I couldn't be happier with this!


Offline mattmiller

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Anyone know how to access this hidden menu on the R-09HR?

A lot of the settings that are cited in that PDF for the R-09 are available in the regular menu of the R-09HR.
Mics: Neumann KM100 (x4), AK40 (x2), AK50 (x2)
Pre: Lunatec V3
Recorders: Tascam DR-680, Tascam HD-P2 (x2), Sony PCM-M10

Offline listener2

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Edirol R-09 owners, I just attempted to investigate these hidden menu functions previously mentioned and found out something very interesting.
With my R-09 loaded with latest firmware version 1.31, I performed the special power up into debug mode as outlined in original post and in GutBuckets .pdf file.
I performed the change to begin Recording by one button press instead of default two button press.  Worked nicely!
Then I tried powering off the unit and powering back on to make sure the setting still held in effect.  It did!  But what I was surprised to find out is this...
For the heck of it while unit was powered up as normal power button pressed, I decided to see what happens if I pressed the "Finder/Menu" button and the "Repeat" buttons together and Lo and Behold~! the setup menu appears with an extra category saying "Special Setup".  If you go into this "Special Setup" which is listed as choice selection #6 on the main menu now, it gives you all the pertinent feautures to turn on/off the Record LED light, and it also allows you to set "Use High Rate" = On or Off (which turns on all the extra 88.2Khz and 96Khz sampling rates!).
There are other settings to for Font size, peak meter timeout, etc.  Check it out!

So bottom line:  There is no need to do that special power up button pressing to set these parameters!  Just power up normally and instead of pressing and holding only the "Menu" button as normally documented, press and hold both "Menu" and "Repeat" buttons together to get access to the special setup parameters! 

As an aside, I have just ordered a new Roland R-05 from ebay using Bing Cashback and got it for total of about $211.   ... It seems like this R-05 is similar to the Sony M10 in looks and spec wise.  How quiet the preamps are though, is the big question I have yet to find out compared to the outstanding Sony units.

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Well, I've made a few test recordings at the 96khz 24 bit mode and it seems it recorded fine.  Two times though I got the error message "SD card too slow, hit any key to continue" message and so I just hit any key to continue the recording and it recorded thereon just fine.  Mind you I only did about 2 minute max test recordings so who knows if it would have choked and messed up a recording session if I were really using it to record a 1 hour show for example.  I am using an A-DATA 16GB SDHC card in there, so maybe a differerent faster speed card is needed for reliable 96khz sample rate recordings.

Also even though I made the recording clips successfully, upon playback on the Edirol R-09 unit itself, each file would playback fine until the end of the file.  Where upon it would freeze and lock up the R-09.  To undo the lockup, you have to remove the power (open the battery lid to lose power) and repower back on.  So that is a quirk to remember.  Someone else mentioned the playback lockups too in the other related thread. 

One thing I would say that I think I perceive is that the recording of my voice sounded smoother and more natural with less edginess to it when I recorded at 96khz versus 44.1khz 24 bit mode.  So it does work.  Just does not playback on the R-09 well.

Offline fmaderjr

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Great find!

Good luck with your R-05.

A previous thread says that the R-05 will not accept as hot a line in signal as the HR (or M10), which may be a problem for those using an external pre.

If you are going to use a pre, test it thoroughly while you still have return privileges (and let us know what you find out!)
AT853's (all caps)/CM-300 Franken Naks (CP-1,2,3)/JBMod Nak 700's (CP-701,702) > Tascam DR-680
Or Sonic Studios DSM-6 > M10

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A previous thread says that the R-05 will not accept as hot a line in signal as the HR (or M10), which may be a problem for those using an external pre.

If you are going to use a pre, test it thoroughly while you still have return privileges (and let us know what you find out!)
Thanks fmaderjr, I just posted to that other thread.  I am hoping that the mic preamp on this new R-05 is going to be quieter than previous R-09HR and I don't have to use the line-in with a preamp.  Although I do have an external mic preamp I bought from Sound Professionals a long time ago for when I was using my Archos Gmini 400 (I forget the exact model number) and Iriver H120 and H320 hard disk recorders, I have not needed to use a mic preamp with these new wave of flash recorders.  So hope I still don't have to.  I am not sure if I can return the R-05 to eBay seller though (I have to check on the return policy now).  But I don't plan on returning it unless it is grossly defective out of the box per chance.  It seems like it is going to be another excellent unit to me... but time will tell.

Offline Gutbucket

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..Lo and Behold~! the setup menu appears with an extra category saying "Special Setup"..

Nice find! Kind of strange it only includes that sub-set of options.
musical volition > vibrations > voltages > numeric values > voltages > vibrations> virtual teleportation time-machine experience
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