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Author Topic: New Table almost finished  (Read 7599 times)

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Offline raymonda

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New Table almost finished
« on: April 16, 2021, 10:27:11 AM »
I am just about finished with this table. The Rega arm was installed and I temporally  placed lead tape on the counterweight, as it weighs 114 grams where 130 grams is more suitable for this cartridge. It will be replaced when the new counterweight arrives.
This is a nice solid cherry plinth with a top plate made of MDF and carbon fiber. The Rega arm has been rewired and the VTF spring removed for ultimate performance. The platter is made by VPI that is turned by a Jasime two pulley external motor. The motor pod sits in a custom holder. Footers are chrome plated brass that rest on carbon fiber pads. I installed a VAS Denon 103 that is using an elliptical stylus. I installed a wooden body.
Now cut to the chase. You might ask how does it sound? In short, these components are so well matched that what it does for playback of well pressed vinyl is astounding and leaves me gobsmacked. It provides a sonic presentation that is true to the source, wide in frequency, tonally correct and as comfortable as your favorite shoes. Detail is there but not at the cost of engaging enjoyment. The soundstage is as good as you can get. Well, I guess you could spend 10x’s  the price and it would be better but how much is the question.
At this point I am very satisfied with how this turned out and after I finish with a little more tweaks it will be up for sale. Until then, I’m going to enjoy my time with it. Expect it to come in at around $2500, minus the rim weight. PM if you have interest. As always, free delivery and set up for anyone within reasonable driving distance from Ithaca.
« Last Edit: April 17, 2021, 09:39:12 AM by raymonda »

Offline moondust.and.solitude

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Re: New Table almost finished
« Reply #1 on: April 22, 2021, 10:42:20 PM »
This is an absolute beauty.
Mics: Lewitt LCT-040; Naiant X-X Omni's; Audio Technica U853AW's; Sony ECM-166BMP's; Audio Technica AT-853's.
Cables: Gotham GAC-4/1 Cables; Canare Custom Cables, UniStar LilRed Whip.
Recorders: Tascam DR-100mkIII; Tascam DR-05x, Tascam PortaCapture X8, Sony PCM-A10.
Misc: Samsung EVO Plus 128GB SDXC Cards.
RayoVac Fusion Batteries.

Offline capnhook

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Re: New Table almost finished
« Reply #2 on: April 22, 2021, 10:56:04 PM »
Clean look, pro job.  :coolguy:

The rapid-prototype motor mount looks super too, raymonda, great work.

Is it nylon, or maybe ABS?
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Offline raymonda

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Re: New Table almost finished
« Reply #3 on: April 23, 2021, 10:33:57 AM »
The motor pod mount was made by a 3rd party and 3D printed. I'm not sure of whether it is ABS or nylon.


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