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Baby nbox users...opinions on quality of M10 preamps?

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Ssia thanks!

use a Tascam DR-2D so not sure I can provide info.  What does Nick say?

Dunno need to ask him.

Duh, m10 doesn't have a pad. But Nick says run at lo sens for loud rock.

hi and lo:

--- Quote from: MakersMarc on July 02, 2017, 12:18:24 PM ---Duh, m10 doesn't have a pad. But Nick says run at lo sens for loud rock.

--- End quote ---

The Mic Sens (ATT) switch on the back of the M10 only affects the Microphone Input. It has no when using the Line Input, which is the proper input to be using for loud rock with a fixed gain nbox.


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