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Removing a yeller an Audacity

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I just recorded TTB at the Greek and got a good result. The biggest problem is a guy to my right that would "WOOOOOOOOOO" once every song. Do you have any tricks that I can use in Audacity to help turn him down without messing with the volume of the music?


I haven't used Audacity much, but I doubt it could do much about this.

If the woos are not over band vocals, UVR5 could probably do a good job. Otherwise, it could still likely be fixed in Izotope RX.

If it's really just once per song, I wouldn't mind working on it. Just send me a copy along with a list of the exact times of the woos.

John (Down To Earth Landscaping) had one of these Woo wooers next to him at the 1st night of TTB in Seattle, but it was at the space between songs, fortunately he wasn't next to us the 2nd night when I recorded next to John. He did have an issue with a creepy woman who was offended by us recording despite being told we were allowed to record, she yelled into his mics when he used his cellphone light to look down between his feet at his gear. Fortunately mostly went unheard on our recording. She had to step over our gear to get  to her seat but it wasn't difficult to step over, but she wasn't happy about us bringing in gear, when I asked  if she had a problem she said  yes, I don't like what you're doing. I explained that the band  allowed it, she said she still didn't like it. I replied, if the band wasn't OK with it we would never have gotten the gear in. She didn't say anything else until she freaked out and yelled into his mics. I guess you get all types no matter who the band is. Bob


--- Quote from: Melanie on June 02, 2024, 02:55:43 PM ---John (Down To Earth Landscaping) had one of these Woo wooers next to him at the 1st night of TTB in Seattle, but it was at the space between songs, fortunately he wasn't next to us the 2nd night when I recorded next to John. He did have an issue with a creepy woman who was offended by us recording despite being told we were allowed to record, she yelled into his mics when he used his cellphone light to look down between his feet at his gear. Fortunately mostly went unheard on our recording. She had to step over our gear to get  to her seat but it wasn't difficult to step over, but she wasn't happy about us bringing in gear, when I asked  if she had a problem she said  yes, I don't like what you're doing. I explained that the band  allowed it, she said she still didn't like it. I replied, if the band wasn't OK with it we would never have gotten the gear in. She didn't say anything else until she freaked out and yelled into his mics. I guess you get all types no matter who the band is. Bob

--- End quote ---

From my experience, a typical TTB fan. That's why I only run low profile for them now. Tired of the fans

What band is TTB?


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