« on: September 06, 2023, 02:05:52 PM »
I'm looking for an adapter cable for my AT853s to run from mini-XLR to 3.5mm with the 4k mod. I loaned mine out to Drivingwheel (with some mics) and that POS won't return my equipment. I contacted Ted and he said he's not making them anymore.
Anyone making them or have one to sell?
« Last Edit: September 10, 2023, 08:28:31 AM by mrfender »

DR2d, DR-44wl, DR-608, PCM-M10, Roland R-07, PCM-A10, Zoom F3
CA-14 card/omni, AT853 cards/omni, Nak CM-300 cards/omni, Line Audio CM4, Neumann KM-184