This. Why complicate it? Just get plurrel eyes and run your rig and camera with shitty audio. Replace and save. 
Just a word of caution about this ~~
If something goes wrong with the audio recording aspect of this (loose mic, etc.) -- you've got nothing for audio. However, if you record the audio separately -- you'll have two recordings (the camera audio in the video file and the separate audio file). Also note - a lot of cameras don't have an option to record in LPCM.
This exactly! If you want to synch in post get
PluralEyes or software that does it for you
really baby simple, don’t over complicate it!
personally could never get plural eyes to work but that was back in fcp6 days
It was a complete waste of time and money.
That said, although I almost always go line out > mic in live it does make sense to have them separate
I run two cams so that’s my backup