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Author Topic: New IKEA LADDA 2450 AA rechargeables (green)  (Read 9522 times)

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New IKEA LADDA 2450 AA rechargeables (green)
« on: September 02, 2021, 05:43:44 AM »
Sorry if this has been mentioned in any of the other numerous threads that refer to these. I did a spot check, and couldn't find anything, nor do I shop that regularly at Ikea...

These appear to have popped up recently, after some concern that they were being phased out, altogether. That was premature, as all Ikea was announcing, was discontinuing the sale of all non-rechargeable batteries at their outlets. The "old" white AAs were also 2450 mAh and cost $6.99/4, retail. The new ones have a new color scheme, and the price has gone up a buck for that same 4 pack. All else, seems to have stayed the same (especially, being manufactured in Japan).

There is general consensus that these are the equivalent of much pricier Eneloop Pros. I've used them for some time, as many here have, and swear by their reliability/value. Quite simply, if you use hi capacity NiMH rechargeable AAs, these should be your go-to
« Last Edit: September 03, 2021, 03:56:56 AM by sos »
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Re: New IKEA LADDA 2450 rechargeables (green)
« Reply #1 on: September 02, 2021, 07:45:43 AM »

Thanks for the heads up!

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Re: New IKEA LADDA 2450 rechargeables (green)
« Reply #2 on: September 02, 2021, 12:12:05 PM »
Thank you for the heads up.  I feel like I can never have enough of these things. I am still rocking original Sanyo Eneloops, newer Panasonic Eneloops, and white Ladda's all in AA and AAA.

I rarely have any of them die to the point where they won't take a charge and last longer than a normal AA/AAA.  My only device that does not like them is my PCM-M10 which prefers alkalines by a mile.
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Re: New IKEA LADDA 2450 rechargeables (green)
« Reply #3 on: September 02, 2021, 01:07:30 PM »
Just picked up 12 of them and they all tested the same as the white ones. Best AA Nimh batteries I've used. Now if only the were some good 9v options!
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Re: New IKEA LADDA 2450 rechargeables (green)
« Reply #4 on: September 02, 2021, 09:33:33 PM »
Thanks for posting this. I have 20 or so of the older white ones, and some will likely need replacement soon.

I feel like this has been an "open secret" for years now, and I can't understand why anyone would buy the expensive Panasonic-branded versions.
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Offline phil_er_up

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Re: New IKEA LADDA 2450 AA rechargeables (green)
« Reply #5 on: September 03, 2021, 07:54:15 AM »
Thank you for this info. Just ordered quite a few more...
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Re: New IKEA LADDA 2450 rechargeables (green)
« Reply #6 on: September 03, 2021, 09:56:11 AM »
Thank you for the heads up.  I feel like I can never have enough of these things. I am still rocking original Sanyo Eneloops, newer Panasonic Eneloops, and white Ladda's all in AA and AAA.

I rarely have any of them die to the point where they won't take a charge and last longer than a normal AA/AAA.  My only device that does not like them is my PCM-M10 which prefers alkalines by a mile.
Curious why your PCM-M10 does not like these batteries?  I've been using them for years in a couple of M10's and I've never had any issues.
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Re: New IKEA LADDA 2450 rechargeables (green)
« Reply #7 on: September 03, 2021, 10:52:21 AM »
My only device that does not like them is my PCM-M10 which prefers alkalines by a mile.

Did you change your settings from alkaline to NiMH? Otherwise you will not see the correct indication. I had the issue that NiHM batteries ran out of power much faster but in reality it wasn't true. I just forgot to change the settings.

Menu > Detail Menu > Battery Setting > NiMH Battery.
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