I just got a set of Schoeps CMC1-Lemo. The cables they ship with are amazing... the almost 20' long Lemo-to-XLR cable is *tiny!*
I do 'fly in' recordings a fair bit where every pound and inch of space counts, and this would be a game changer.
-Can I get 'regular' (non-Lemo) XLR cables in this diameter? I think it must be a 'regular' cable except for the Lemo end?
-Aside from the fact that they're probably fragile, are there any drawbacks compared to Mogami 2930 snakes or Canare Quad? Do they pick up interference? I thought this was the issue with little cables, but Schoeps doesn't seem to think so.
Naturally, I just invested in a bunch of big Mogami snakes last year that I haven't even used yet...