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Re: V3 battery
« Reply #45 on: March 08, 2019, 09:16:41 AM »
i have some 7.4V li-ions from when i used to have a mytek. they were the ones from (batteryspace?) with the coiled cables for bike lights. i can dig em up if youre interested.

I'd take a gander at them if you can dig them up.

09/23/2020 rig update: AKG c480b(ck61/62/63) > NAIANT/pfa > EAA PSP-2 and/or Lunatec V3 > Marantz PMD-661 (Oade Bros. Warm Mod) and/or Tascam DR-70D

03/22/19 rig update: AKG c480b(ck61/62/63) > Canare StarQuad mic cables > EAA PSP-2 and/or Lunatec V3 > Marantz PMD-661 (Oade Bros. Warm Mod) and/or Tascam DR-70D

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Re: V3 battery
« Reply #46 on: March 09, 2019, 10:59:07 AM »
Looking for updates on remote power to power my V3. Have several DVD batteries. Only a handful still get me through a typical show. Once charged if not used, lose power after a day or so of sitting unused. Looking for new options. Is this one still good?

Any sug's/rec's are appreciated.

We have been using these

its about the size of a juice box. We still have the maxoaks but they are pretty heavy / footprint for one off shows. So we went with the above recently and using the 9v to run the 6v V3 and V2s. They run much cooler at 9v
Im sure the talentcell you linked to would be fine but I have only used the one i linked.
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Re: V3 battery
« Reply #47 on: March 11, 2019, 07:09:57 PM »
i have some 7.4V li-ions from when i used to have a mytek. they were the ones from (batteryspace?) with the coiled cables for bike lights. i can dig em up if youre interested.

I'd take a gander at them if you can dig them up.

ok i beleive its 2 batts and a charger. ill dig em up and load test. they were only used once or twice but are a few years old
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Re: V3 battery
« Reply #48 on: December 09, 2019, 10:38:09 PM »

Beyerdynamic MC930's>Neumann KM184s>Tascam DR-680

Offline rumbleseat

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Re: V3 battery
« Reply #49 on: December 13, 2019, 01:03:58 PM »
I thought this would be a quick calculation, but there were some snags.  A good exercise though!

The V3 manual uses a draw of 0.75 amps in their battery life calculation (assuming A/D is on and phantom is on).

The DR-680 manual says that phantom draws 3 mA per channel, which is just wrong.  But they give run times for Eneloop NiMH batteries (2 Ah capacity), and from there, we can get to the current draw.  They say 4 hours with 6 phantom channels, which would be 2 Ah / 4 = 0.5 amps.  Without phantom power they say 5.5 hours which would be 0.364 amps.  [So the difference of 0.136 amps across 6 phantom channels would be about 23 mA of extra current per phantom channel.]

Since we’ll be using a TalentCell battery to feed both 9V to the V3 and 12V to the DR-680, the calculations are smoother if we convert the amps to watts:
V3 draws 0.75 amps at 9 volts = 6.75 watts
DR-680 draws 0.5 -or- 0.364 amps at 12 volts = 6 watts -or- 4.36 watts
Combined, the V3 and DR-680 use 12.75 watts -or- 11.11 watts

The smaller TalentCell battery has a 100 Wh capacity.  The manual says that you’ve got 25% left when it goes to one light.  Using that, the run time should be 6.75 -or- 5.88 hours depending on whether you’ve got phantom power turned off or are using it on all 6 channels on the DR-680.  I’m guessing that you could push it another hour or so without a problem.

The larger 132 Wh TalentCell battery will give you about 8.9 -or- 7.8 hours.

I run the larger TalentCell with 2 channels of phantom power on the DR-680 at festivals and in theory I should get 20 hours down to one light.  That sounds about right, since I rarely get to two lights when running all day. 
« Last Edit: December 13, 2019, 01:05:45 PM by rumbleseat »
AKG C480B CK61 cards or AKG C568EB or Church CA-11 cards >  Canare L-4E6S with Neutrik EMC > Tascam DR-680 MKII or DR-44WL > memories


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Re: V3 battery
« Reply #50 on: December 14, 2019, 10:13:17 AM »
Ladies and Gentleman,

thats doing your homework!! :cheers:

hey thanks, since I know this works I just need a cable for my V3, and Im back taping! >:D

a few years away from the game and with spending so much foolish money on portable power over the years,this is a huge help. I've had the V3 for 2 years and never even powered it.
thanks for your help! :headphones:
Beyerdynamic MC930's>Neumann KM184s>Tascam DR-680

Offline jerryfreak

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Re: V3 battery
« Reply #51 on: December 14, 2019, 10:39:12 PM »
The DR-680 manual says that phantom draws 3 mA per channel, which is just wrong. 

how is that "wrong"?

currents vary quite a bit from microphone to microphone. some require up to 10mA, some as little as 1mA
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Re: V3 battery
« Reply #52 on: December 16, 2019, 07:26:44 AM »
Ahhh - I see your point.  That info on phantom power current draw was in a section with the text below:

Battery operation time (when used continuously)
  NiMH batteries (eneloop)
    About 4 hours (6 channels of phantom power used, 3 mA per channel)
    About 4.5 hours (2 channels of phantom power used, 3 mA per channel)
    About 5.5 hours (phantom power not used)

I presumed they were talking about 3 mA at 12 volts since they were talking about battery power.  But that 3 mA draw spec may refer to 48 V, which makes much more sense.
AKG C480B CK61 cards or AKG C568EB or Church CA-11 cards >  Canare L-4E6S with Neutrik EMC > Tascam DR-680 MKII or DR-44WL > memories

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Re: V3 battery
« Reply #53 on: December 16, 2021, 03:07:48 AM »
How much capacity exist in V3 battery?? 2500 0r 3000?

Offline rocksuitcase

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Re: V3 battery
« Reply #54 on: December 16, 2021, 11:19:05 AM »
How much capacity exist in V3 battery?? 2500 0r 3000?
First, Welcome to TS.
Second, the V3 does not have an internal battery. The 'batt' light is to measure the input signal of an older style gelcel type battery (eg EcoCharge). Most folks do not use these batteries anymore.
They use the talentcells referenced above. This one has 11,000mAh if powering the device with 9V, if using 12V it has 8300mAh. We have used them for over 12 hours with both V2's and V3's in festival situations they barely drop to 50% after that duration.
« Last Edit: December 16, 2021, 11:21:35 AM by rocksuitcase »
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Mics:         AKG460|CK61|CK1|CK3|CK8|Beyer M 201E|DPA 4060 SK
Recorders:Marantz PMD661 OADE Concert mod; Tascam DR680 MKI x2; Sony PCM-M10


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