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Author Topic: Audio drift with OBS captures  (Read 5766 times)

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Audio drift with OBS captures
« on: November 28, 2022, 04:28:36 PM »
Windows 10 Pro
EVGA 3080 ti Hybrid FTW
32 GB DDR4 b-die RAM
Intel I5 12600k

I have a pretty beefy new build so I seriously doubt any of this is hardware related but I have been getting a non-static delay audio drift on captures, and only sometimes!!

It is fine for the first 50% or so but by the end, you can tell the audio and video are out of sync and very noticeable.  Setting a sync offset in OBS probably will not help since the file maintains sync for most of the file but it could be worth a shot.

1) Does anyone has any ideas on how to fix this in OBS?
2) Does anyone have any idea how to fix files that are out of sync?
Mics: Schoeps MK 5 MP, Schoeps MK 8 MP, Schoeps MK 41 MP, KCY 250/5 > PFA
Pre/A>D/P48: Sonosax SX/M2, Sonosax SX/M2-LS, E.A.A. PSP-2, Baby Nbox, Neumann BS48i-2 (for sale)
Recorders: Sound Devices Mixpre-6ii, Sony PCM-A10
Playback: Jolida 1501 Hybrid > McIntosh MX 130 > Von Schweikert VR-4 JR, or Little Dot MK III > Sennheiser HD700

Offline capnhook

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Re: Audio drift with OBS captures
« Reply #1 on: November 28, 2022, 06:51:44 PM »
Video card sick, ill or weak  ???

Only thing that comes to mind, never saw that particular phenomenon with OBS
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