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ISO: box for akg480 mics and caps

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Nick Culbreth:
anyone know of a retailer where i can get a wooden foam box for my 480s?  i don't think the little pencil bag that came w/ them is the best option...  if anyone could post a link or contact here or drop me an email at i'd be very appreciative.


Stumptown Matt:
The Sound Room, one of the places that sells matched pairs of Oktavas sells small and large foam lined cedar boxes.  Check a small Peican case might be better than a wooden box in the longrun or you could go to a cigar store and buy a wooden cigar box for like $2 and buy replacement foam from Pelican also Otter Boxes makes some small plastic foam lined boxes.  Do a google search for Otter Boxes or Pelican.  Peace, Matt

What I did was get a Rubbermaid Flavor Saver box from the grocery store and some foam from Michael's and cut out microphone places in the foam.  Everything fits perfectly and you could probably fit another pair of capsules in there as well.

Marc Nutter:
Hi All,

MBHO makes nice boxes for the 603's and 603a's that are nice for any of the small diaphragm micrphones popular among tapers.  They are big enough to protect the mics but don't take excessive space in a bag.

I know of a company in Denver who has them in stock.  They are about $37.00/pair.

Happy Recording Everybody,


Nick Culbreth:
those long cigar boxes look like the perfect solution.  thanks.



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