It all worked out. In the end, I was not out anything, monetarily, within reason. But, it was most of a missed years season of music with the 4022's, and then again with the 4028's. It got so bad that all it took was literally the first time in turning them on,.. zap, dead,.. back to Colorado/Denmark.
DPA/BK was a great company to deal with. They took this very seriously. In exchange for my trouble's, they literally opened their entire inventory to me in a loaner program, as much of, or, whatever I needed to keep the music capture going. And, Bruce Myers was there, immediately, for me to talk to. We'd spend hours on the phone at a time, just blabbering; first about microphines and music, and eventually about family and life. He even opened a page for me on their site as one of their favored users. But, alas,... I couldn't afford the risk of failure out of warranty, so I moved on.
Now,... let me tell you all about Line Audio......