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Author Topic: Help with a TCD-D10 ProII  (Read 5403 times)

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Help with a TCD-D10 ProII
« on: August 09, 2020, 10:49:16 AM »
Howdy y'all!!!
Firstly..Does anyone know if the Sony D-10 ProII has a fuse inside of it that may blow?? I was using it to transfer some tapes to DAT and it just quit on me .No power!! I dont wanna rip it apart if it doesnt..

Secondly... Are there still any places in the Northeast USA that still works on DAT decks?? I have a few Id like to send out to be freshened up a lil bit....

THANK YOU@!!!  for any and all help kin these desparate times.....

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Re: Help with a TCD-D10 ProII
« Reply #1 on: August 10, 2020, 07:38:57 AM »
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Re: Help with a TCD-D10 ProII
« Reply #2 on: August 10, 2020, 10:28:41 AM »
My D10 has a frozen transport. I opened it up and it's quite messy to work on. I gave up after like 50 screws  :banging head: I don't think the D10 has a fuse, it's likely the power supply. You might try a different AC adapter.
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Re: Help with a TCD-D10 ProII
« Reply #3 on: August 10, 2020, 01:00:01 PM »
My D10 has a frozen transport. I opened it up and it's quite messy to work on. I gave up after like 50 screws  :banging head: I don't think the D10 has a fuse, it's likely the power supply. You might try a different AC adapter.
This old analog engineer guy thought Power supply as soon as I read your status report on it. I would suspect no fuses on the power circuitry.
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Re: Help with a TCD-D10 ProII
« Reply #4 on: August 13, 2020, 11:04:56 PM »
I'm not sure which power supply you're using, but I suggest testing its output with a voltmeter before taking the D10's covers off. Since the D10 was always fed either by an internal battery or an AC power supply (either completely external, or else the kind that slips into the battery compartment), normally I would expect any fusing to be in the AC power supply itself. Otherwise the power supply wouldn't be protected from fire or shock hazard.

That said, why are you copying anything _to_ DAT at this point? It's a fragile, very unreliable long-term storage medium. If your sources are analog, I could understand using the deck to digitize them on a pass-through basis for storage on some other, more reliable and durable medium. But I just spent several weeks transferring all my old DATs to a pair of hard drives so that I could finally get rid of the DATs. It was very demanding, since I had to listen carefully the whole time; dropouts and gronches could occur at any moment. Some tapes couldn't be played back at all without audible errors, and I have four different decks including a TCD-D10 Pro prior to the II model--but to my surprise, a TCD-D8 gave me more reliable results.

Anyway, maybe you have some extraordinary reason to be recording on DAT, but if so, I'm really curious to know what it is. I was very glad to put the entire medium behind me for good, and to see someone say that they're recording _to_ DAT puts me in mind of the old ad campaign about how "friends don't let friends drive drunk."
« Last Edit: August 13, 2020, 11:08:27 PM by DSatz »
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Re: Help with a TCD-D10 ProII
« Reply #5 on: August 13, 2020, 11:13:48 PM »
But I just spent several weeks transferring all my old DATs to a pair of hard drives so that I could finally get rid of the DATs. It was very demanding, since I had to listen carefully the whole time; dropouts and gronches could occur at any moment. Some tapes couldn't be played back at all without audible errors, and I have four different decks including a TCD-D10 Pro prior to the II model--but to my surprise, a TCD-D8 gave me more reliable results.

you can avoid having to listen for transfer errors entirely... just transfer twice and compare

if they are not masters,  a cursory listen is still useful, as errors were from previous DAT>DAT transfers will pass the previously (accurately recorded but  possibly audible, error-ridden) stream identically each time, warts and all.
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Re: Help with a TCD-D10 ProII
« Reply #6 on: August 14, 2020, 04:57:23 AM »
I can write the software to sync up two transfers and compare them, as long as the time base remains constant so that I don't have to resync midway. But that method would still require the time to do each transfer twice, then considerable further time evaluating the results for each pair of transfers and acting on that evaluation somehow.

Some tapes had recurrent errors each time they were played; the difference between two transfers of such a tape might be similar or identical for all I know, but the tape would still sound gronchy at that point. If that can't be helped it can't be helped, but I generally found that running a head cleaning tape or sometimes, playing the tape back on a different deck would help at least somewhat. Thus the quickest way by far to get the job done was to listen, not doing anything else for an hour or two each time, and then in most cases it was done and I could throw away the DAT.

Sorry about the thread hijacking, but mainly I was curious, and if tapertom would like to tell us why he's copying to DAT instead of from it, that would be great. And if not, that's his business anyway.

--best regards
« Last Edit: November 21, 2020, 07:16:08 AM by DSatz »
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Re: Help with a TCD-D10 ProII
« Reply #7 on: August 17, 2020, 12:07:45 PM »
Thanks guys. I found 2 new rechargable batteries charger and cigarette powered supply on ebay andnbought it at a good price but stil lnope no luck.. And as for transferring to dat i like the sound of them better than other means of storage and i had 200+ blanks so why not screw around a lil bit..THANKS the imput..
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Re: Help with a TCD-D10 ProII
« Reply #8 on: August 17, 2020, 04:44:35 PM »
Thanks for the addition of "gronches" and "gronchy" to my vocabulary!  They seem especially suitable as imagined Oscar the grouch grinch-speak.
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