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Recording Assisted Listening / Hearing Impaired Feed inside iPhone?

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Here is a fun new thing I want to try.

I'm seeing a show soon at a venue that uses a WiFi system to deliver low latency audio through an app for hearing impaired attendees.  The service is this:

I plan to record the show with mics as usual ,but i thought it would be fun to try and record this feed too and mix a matrix recording after the fact.   The venue has tight security so I'm trying to keep my pack/gear light.

Does anyone know of a fool-proof way to record audio inside an iPhone application, similar to how Audio Hijack Pro works for Mac?  I'm looking for the cleanest, lightest, possible solutions to do this that wont raise eyebrows going through security.

Anyone else tried something like this?  What was your experience?


I have tried to tape the WiFi ALD in the Sphere but it was terrible.

Low quality stream?  Glitchy?  Something else? 

My experience has been with a couple venues with telecoil (aka T-coil) ALD systems, so the user gets a little receiver rather than connecting to an app. These systems are mono, and the mix is often lacking bass and/or light on electric guitar. But it's been fun to play around with, like extracting a vocal stem from the ALD to mix back into the mic recording.

Lighting to 1/8" dongle and then line out to an A10 or smaller?
Official apple part is $9

I know you prefer a software solution but I thought I'd offer more than

. following


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