Good work bmubart. Thanks for sharing.
As TS members figure out how to use these software's then maybe they could share their processes so others can learn from them.
SL is an advanced software and getting it to do what you want will take practice and time.
I'm a new user to SL too but it is really not that hard at all for the things I need it: making layers/stems.
I do these steps in batch mode (overnight):
- select the tracks I want to unmix
- select Unmix Song and Seperate them in Layers. You can choose how many layers (drum, bass, guitar, vocals...) but mostly 'voice' and 'others' will do so each track becomes two wave-files
- select the folder where the batch job has to export the layers (= wave files)
Then: go to the folder with the unmixed layers (= wave file per stem)
- in batch (again):
- choose the voice-layers
- choose 'Unmix Crowd' and select the folder to export the voice layers: Crowd + Foreground
After that you will become all the stems with the voice seperated in two layers: crowd + foreground
Take these stems to rebuild the full track in your DAW:
- others
- foreground
- crowd
(so don't use the original voice-layer)
Play this 3 together in your DAW (= full track WITH crowd-noise)
Eliminate the crowd noise by playing with volume envelopes or by reducing it / deleting it in your wave editor (I use Izotope RX)
Listen again = full track with less crowd noise
Hope this helps?