I just purchased a ZS100, and I’m just getting started learning how to use it. I’ve been using a ZS7 for many years. For my 1st project, I have to shoot at 1080. Could anyone here help me out with basic settings?
I can shoot 1080 in any mode: iA, iA+, P, A, S, M, “Creative Video Mode”
With the ZS7 I used to shoot in custom portrait mode or iA, take a rough guess at my exposure, based on the venue I was in, and set it accordingly. For bright shows usually -2 or so, dim clubs, I go +2. Then the camera would essentially do everything for me, with the exposure down a little lower or raised a little. If I needed to fix the exposure because my guess was off, I’d have to briefly stop the video, change it, and then hit record again.
To achieve the same results with the ZS100, would you recommend, iA on the new camera, something else? Are there ISO or other settings I need to set in those modes? Or perhaps I’m better off using Creative Video Mode because with this mode, I can adjust exposure while recording. If I’m doing that, does that mean that the camera is not doing any automatic exposure at all for me? This would be different from what the ZS7 does.
I’ve been reading the manuals and playing around, and I’ll get into 4K later with all the comments in this thread, I just want to make sure the 1st project goes ok, and I’m not dead in the water. I appreciate any help or comments.