« Reply #7 on: August 16, 2016, 01:42:30 PM »
Thanks for all the recommendations! I ended up buying Naztech BP15000 for $83.50 on eBay. Now I need the get the interconnect between the battery and the V3. Naturally, the one I've used for the Impact batteries won't fit. It's been many years now but I think Maybe Ted (or Darktrain?) made it? Where has others gotten their's?
Ted made mine.

Mics: AKG c480b's, c460b's, c452eb's ( A60's, A51's ,A61's CK61, CK63, CK1, CK3 CK22, CK8), AKG C414 XLII/ST, AKG CK1x, CK3x M46, Church Audio CA-11 ( Card and Omni)
Cables: Segue Dogstar Cables, Darktrain Silver Cables, Canare Starquad Cables
Pres: Lunatec V3, Naiant BiggerBox, Edirol UA-5, CA-9100
Recorders: Sound Devices Mixpre 10II, Mixpre-6, Sony M10, Sony D50 ,Sony PCM-A10, Tascam DR-100mkii,Tascam DR-40, Edirol R-44
Playback: Fiio X5 v2, Fiio A3 v2, AKG 240MKII, AKG Y50BT