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Author Topic: External Power for SD744T  (Read 18072 times)

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Offline nak700s

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External Power for SD744T
« on: July 17, 2017, 02:14:12 PM »
Somewhere on TS, I saw a diagram of the 4-pin power connector needed to connect to the 744T, but can't find it now.  I ordered and received the plug, but now need to figure out what to do with it.

I guess my actual question is, what are good, reliable alternatives to the normal rechargeable [attachable] batteries.  I was wondering if building a custom cable to connect a typical power bank (the kind we use to recharge our phones and other devices) would be a viable option.

I'm sure there are plenty of options, knowing the minds of tapers and things we've all come up with to assist our obsession, so I thought I'd ask here.
Normal: Nakamichi CM-700's >> SD 744T (or) Sony PCM-M10
Normal: Crown CM-700's >> SD 302 >> SD 744T
Fun times: 3 Crown CM-700's >> SD 302 >> SD744T + 2 Nakamichi CM-700's >> SD744T
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Re: External Power for SD744T
« Reply #1 on: July 17, 2017, 02:18:17 PM »
Pin 1= Negative
Pin 4 = positive
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Offline nak700s

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Re: External Power for SD744T
« Reply #2 on: July 20, 2017, 01:23:33 PM »
Looking for feedback:

I'm interested in using an external battery with a custom cable that would go to the [hirose] power connector on the SD 744T.  I found a Poweradd Pilot Pro 2 23000mAh power bank that seems good and was wondering if anyone has experience with this scenario.

I would be using the 12V option on the power bank.  It is my understanding that the 744T draws less than 2 amps and with this size power bank, should last significantly longer than a 8 - 9 hour day of recording (or 3 shows?).  I know people have done similar configurations with external batteries, whether with a custom sled to attach the power bank to the battery terminals (using a 9V option) or using the hirose connector to go to the power terminal (12V option).

My question is, who has done this using the hirose connector, what have you used, and how long recording time do you get?
Normal: Nakamichi CM-700's >> SD 744T (or) Sony PCM-M10
Normal: Crown CM-700's >> SD 302 >> SD 744T
Fun times: 3 Crown CM-700's >> SD 302 >> SD744T + 2 Nakamichi CM-700's >> SD744T
Stealth: CA-14c >> CA 9200 >> Edirol R-09HR
Ultra stealth: AudioReality >> AudioReality battery box >> Edirol R-09HR
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Re: External Power for SD744T
« Reply #3 on: July 21, 2017, 07:41:55 PM »
did you get the hirose connector or the hirose power cable already built.If you need to make a power cable up you will need to have good soldering skills .they are small as hell.i have made up a few for my equipment and its a bitch. no room for error.

Offline nak700s

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Re: External Power for SD744T
« Reply #4 on: July 22, 2017, 09:07:25 AM »
I did receive the hirose, but I'm currently waiting for the power bank.  When I get that, the person doing it for me will work his magic.  It's what he does, so I am confident it will be a well built cable.  I ended up buying a 9V - 20V, 32000 mAh power bank, which, according to SD, at 12V should power my regular set-up for at lease 8-9 hours without a problem. 
Normal: Nakamichi CM-700's >> SD 744T (or) Sony PCM-M10
Normal: Crown CM-700's >> SD 302 >> SD 744T
Fun times: 3 Crown CM-700's >> SD 302 >> SD744T + 2 Nakamichi CM-700's >> SD744T
Stealth: CA-14c >> CA 9200 >> Edirol R-09HR
Ultra stealth: AudioReality >> AudioReality battery box >> Edirol R-09HR
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Offline ts

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Re: External Power for SD744T
« Reply #5 on: June 23, 2019, 08:47:11 AM »
Bumping this old thread. I’m looking for a similar solution to power my 722. USB-C to hirose? Would this work? Or hirose to USB A and a 12V Talentcell?
« Last Edit: June 23, 2019, 09:10:30 AM by ts »

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Re: External Power for SD744T
« Reply #6 on: June 23, 2019, 05:22:07 PM »
Bumping this old thread. I’m looking for a similar solution to power my 722. USB-C to hirose? Would this work? Or hirose to USB A and a 12V Talentcell?

I have no direct experience, but it appears this cable might work, although it'd be nice if the hirose was right angle.  The talentcells are suggested products to include, so my assumption is that's the correct connector.  The seller says lengths are customizable, so maybe you could reach out an confirm.  Or just reach out to Ted.
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Offline ts

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Re: External Power for SD744T
« Reply #7 on: June 23, 2019, 06:53:38 PM »
Bumping this old thread. I’m looking for a similar solution to power my 722. USB-C to hirose? Would this work? Or hirose to USB A and a 12V Talentcell?

I have no direct experience, but it appears this cable might work, although it'd be nice if the hirose was right angle.  The talentcells are suggested products to include, so my assumption is that's the correct connector.  The seller says lengths are customizable, so maybe you could reach out an confirm.  Or just reach out to Ted.

Thanks Horus. I’ll try one.

Offline ts

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Re: External Power for SD744T
« Reply #8 on: June 24, 2019, 03:56:00 PM »
I did receive the hirose, but I'm currently waiting for the power bank.  When I get that, the person doing it for me will work his magic.  It's what he does, so I am confident it will be a well built cable.  I ended up buying a 9V - 20V, 32000 mAh power bank, which, according to SD, at 12V should power my regular set-up for at lease 8-9 hours without a problem.

So no matter the battery, a 12V output is needed?

Offline mjwin

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Re: External Power for SD744T
« Reply #9 on: June 24, 2019, 05:31:13 PM »
Bumping this old thread. I’m looking for a similar solution to power my 722. USB-C to hirose? Would this work? Or hirose to USB A and a 12V Talentcell?
The Hirose input needs to be nominally 12VDC. For the SD 700 series, SD specify 10...18VDC.
So a Talentcell set at 12V will be fine, as will any unregulated 12V battery pack. 
Just make sure that Hirose Pin1=GROUND, Pin4= +12V.  That Amazon cable above looks to be the correct part.

Unfortunately, it's no-go with any kind of USB pack, since they all put out 5V only.  (And using a step up regulator will  pull way too much current from even a USBC type battery.)

Offline ts

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Re: External Power for SD744T
« Reply #10 on: June 24, 2019, 08:33:03 PM »
Bumping this old thread. I’m looking for a similar solution to power my 722. USB-C to hirose? Would this work? Or hirose to USB A and a 12V Talentcell?
The Hirose input needs to be nominally 12VDC. For the SD 700 series, SD specify 10...18VDC.
So a Talentcell set at 12V will be fine, as will any unregulated 12V battery pack. 
Just make sure that Hirose Pin1=GROUND, Pin4= +12V.  That Amazon cable above looks to be the correct part.

Unfortunately, it's no-go with any kind of USB pack, since they all put out 5V only.  (And using a step up regulator will  pull way too much current from even a USBC type battery.)

Thank you for your reply. I will use my Talentcell’s 12V output and the cable listed in this thread. Also considering ordering a cable from Ted with a RA on both ends.

Offline nak700s

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Re: External Power for SD744T
« Reply #11 on: June 26, 2019, 08:48:06 AM »
I did receive the hirose, but I'm currently waiting for the power bank.  When I get that, the person doing it for me will work his magic.  It's what he does, so I am confident it will be a well built cable.  I ended up buying a 9V - 20V, 32000 mAh power bank, which, according to SD, at 12V should power my regular set-up for at lease 8-9 hours without a problem.

So no matter the battery, a 12V output is needed?

I have been using the set-up mentioned above for a while and I'm very happy with it.  As for the 8-9 hours of operation, hahahahaha...I can run a 3-day festival on 1 charge and still have enough juice for another show or 3.  As far as the voltage is concerned, the Hirose connection is designed for an AC plug, and supplies 12V to the deck, so you'd need to use the 12V option on the battery.  If you want a lower voltage, stick with the slide on batteries.
Normal: Nakamichi CM-700's >> SD 744T (or) Sony PCM-M10
Normal: Crown CM-700's >> SD 302 >> SD 744T
Fun times: 3 Crown CM-700's >> SD 302 >> SD744T + 2 Nakamichi CM-700's >> SD744T
Stealth: CA-14c >> CA 9200 >> Edirol R-09HR
Ultra stealth: AudioReality >> AudioReality battery box >> Edirol R-09HR
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Re: External Power for SD744T
« Reply #12 on: June 26, 2019, 10:04:19 AM »
I did receive the hirose, but I'm currently waiting for the power bank.  When I get that, the person doing it for me will work his magic.  It's what he does, so I am confident it will be a well built cable.  I ended up buying a 9V - 20V, 32000 mAh power bank, which, according to SD, at 12V should power my regular set-up for at lease 8-9 hours without a problem.

So no matter the battery, a 12V output is needed?

I have been using the set-up mentioned above for a while and I'm very happy with it.  As for the 8-9 hours of operation, hahahahaha...I can run a 3-day festival on 1 charge and still have enough juice for another show or 3.  As far as the voltage is concerned, the Hirose connection is designed for an AC plug, and supplies 12V to the deck, so you'd need to use the 12V option on the battery.  If you want a lower voltage, stick with the slide on batteries.

What battery are you using? Can you provide a link? I have no idea how long my Talentcell will last on the 12V output. I ran a test with my V2 and the 9V output and I ran it for 3 days straight and it still had a couple bars left.  :o

Offline nak700s

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Re: External Power for SD744T
« Reply #13 on: June 26, 2019, 02:28:30 PM »
I did receive the hirose, but I'm currently waiting for the power bank.  When I get that, the person doing it for me will work his magic.  It's what he does, so I am confident it will be a well built cable.  I ended up buying a 9V - 20V, 32000 mAh power bank, which, according to SD, at 12V should power my regular set-up for at lease 8-9 hours without a problem.

So no matter the battery, a 12V output is needed?

I have been using the set-up mentioned above for a while and I'm very happy with it.  As for the 8-9 hours of operation, hahahahaha...I can run a 3-day festival on 1 charge and still have enough juice for another show or 3.  As far as the voltage is concerned, the Hirose connection is designed for an AC plug, and supplies 12V to the deck, so you'd need to use the 12V option on the battery.  If you want a lower voltage, stick with the slide on batteries.

What battery are you using? Can you provide a link? I have no idea how long my Talentcell will last on the 12V output. I ran a test with my V2 and the 9V output and I ran it for 3 days straight and it still had a couple bars left.  :o

If it ain't broke, don't fix it!  What I like about mine, is that it has a display that tells me the percentage of power left., so when you know you may only use 5% during an average show, you can pretty accurately gage what you have left in terms of time.  Sounds like you have a winner...this is the one I have:

POWERADD Pilot Pro 32000mAh Power Bank Dual USB Port 4.5A (9V-20V DC Output) with Digital LCD Display.
« Last Edit: June 26, 2019, 02:32:51 PM by nak700s »
Normal: Nakamichi CM-700's >> SD 744T (or) Sony PCM-M10
Normal: Crown CM-700's >> SD 302 >> SD 744T
Fun times: 3 Crown CM-700's >> SD 302 >> SD744T + 2 Nakamichi CM-700's >> SD744T
Stealth: CA-14c >> CA 9200 >> Edirol R-09HR
Ultra stealth: AudioReality >> AudioReality battery box >> Edirol R-09HR
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