2) the experiment; two DPA4060's as spaced omni, boundary layer, rearward and side baffled omnis, and, CM3 at 0º
all time aligned.
It is very interesting. Do you know how side baffles influence sound? Maybe it will be interesting to use spaced baffles for the first set and the second without.
I don't know a lot about boundary layers. It is just layman view. Is not it better to put them in the middle of the wood wall? The edge of the wall should influence the sound.
This setup reminded me what I was thinking about OMT when I tried it. Maybe better is to start with three mics. I can more concentrate how the middle mic work and train my listening skills. And then, when I get more certainty I can add fourth mic.
Its still early on, and too soon to be too critical. But, I am very pleased with what I'm hearing.
The side baffles worked wonderfully in keeping everybody in thier place. They kept the center image more open for the center mic. The center mic clearly displays the rear of the ensembles "U" formation, the mids. I feel this its in large part due to the side baffles.
Regarding placement on the wall,...
It is a short wall to begin with. So, it limits just what you can do as far as being too high or too low. The floor on either side of the center aisle is ceramic tile, and highly reflective, so my thought was that being higher was going to be better than the lower area. I decided to stay clower to the center aisle, as going wider put me closer to active players, and I didn't want to highlight anyone in this, as much as trying for the overall blending.
My thoughts are it has high potential.
If i had it to do all over again, I'd put some baffling under the piano; I'd like to have had the bass violin travel bags under the piano, for example. In one song, Bach BWV-1054 COncerto for Keyboard, the lid was opened, and that made a whole different sound in its presence. Most of the show was played with the lid closed, which for this recording, made the piano less present.
But, the stage is small, and, they tried to bring him into the fold by pushing the piano as far into the setting as possible. Always something.
I knew the piano was going to be bright, but, wanted to run the pattern anyway, and, just suck it up. It turned out far better than I'd thought, with it being so close.