Ok, not sure if this should be in "cables" or "microphones and setup", but anyway - I have some AKG's with Naiant active cables (also have the full body 480's) and I love them so far. Only thing... the Naiant active cables are really quite stiff and I find that I really have to be pretty careful about how I position the mics and then tape down the cables pretty well, otherwise the tension/force in the cable can easily push the mic out of alignment.
Getting to the point: is there an alternative active cable for the AKG that isn't so stiff? I'd love to have a cable as supple as what's on the DPA 4022's. Especially if I ever want to use these in a

sort of way... The current cables I have are just so rigid that it would just about make

an impossibility...
By the way, these cables are "tech flexed" so that might be contributing to the stiffness factor.
If this link works here are pictures: