Anybody use this program? it's seems like everything is automatic with the presets. Are any of the presets good for remastering audience recordings? thank you for any responses.
I ended up getting Ozone 9 Advanced in order to have all the modules. Master Assist has been helpful in getting a starting point. It analyzes the segment of music that you highlighted and gives a basic set of options already configured. You can then change any of the settings they recommended either by choosing a preset or hands on modifying like adjusting EQ curves.
Another feature I find helpful is the gain match. It makes the volume of the changes you are trying equal to your source. So when you bypass the effects you are applying, you can hear and compare your original source at the same level.
A quick note about Ozone 10....
Ozone 10 is a VST3 plugin. So anyone who is using a version of RX that is lower than version 10 cannot install the VST3 Ozone plugin. I heard back from Izotope and they say they are working on a fix so that earlier versions of RX can utilize VST3 plugins.