thanks for the link to the additional thread--lots of good info in there. AKG 480's weigh 117g each. So total weight for the quad mount is 117 x 4 = 468g, plus weight of the mount (unknown). Considering how close the capsules are on this mount, pretty much the only windscreens I could use would be the stock AKG's W32's (or something similar), which weigh basically nothing. So, maybe the duo 72 lyres here? Or would this setup ultimately be too heavy, even for the duo 72's?
And for the DIN bar, positioned vertically, the total weight is 234g for the mics plus weight of the mount (unknown). Bulkier/heavier windscreens could be an option here, but I use the Shure A81WS which are 17g each, and not something substantially heavier (e.g. Rycote 5cm SuperSoftie, 65g).