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Author Topic: Left is Right, Right is Left (omni version)  (Read 15128 times)

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Re: Left is Right, Right is Left (omni version)
« Reply #15 on: May 12, 2023, 12:46:39 PM »
Yes there are different instrument/section arrangements in use for classical ensembles ranging from quartet through chamber ensembles on up to large orchestras. Some arrangements are specified by the composer in support of their preference for balance, others by the piece itself, others by the conductor's wishes and interpretation of the piece. Some antiphonal arrangements even have sections located behind the audience or up in balconies.  And yes, the most common arrangements have changed and evolved over time. 

I was referring to the most common modern orchestral arrangement that most classical listeners will be most familiar with, which is generally this-
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Re: Left is Right, Right is Left (omni version)
« Reply #16 on: May 12, 2023, 01:32:12 PM »

Short answer - swap the channels and see how it sounds. If you like it keep it. If not, swap it back.

Reversing the channels doesn't do anything magical to change how it sounds other than flipping the stereo field.

I was thinking about this thread last night when I realized an onstage recording that I did last week had the cables plugged in reversed ( i handed the cables to my taping buddy as he set up our onstage stand so I could stay out of the way). I was at the show so it didn't seem right. Listened to it both ways and just decided to leave as is since it sounded fine as is and only someone who attended the show from the first few rows of a tiny packed New Orleans bar would know how the stage was set anyway.

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Re: Left is Right, Right is Left (omni version)
« Reply #17 on: May 12, 2023, 02:37:57 PM »
Listened to it both ways and just decided to leave as is since it sounded fine as is and only someone who attended the show from the first few rows of a tiny packed New Orleans bar would know how the stage was set anyway.

IMO, as to the OP's question- ^^^THIS^^^ is the best approach. I have also had this occur, where somehow I knew the channels had been swapped at the gig, but even listening back and swapping made such little difference I made no change in POST.
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Offline Gutbucket

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Re: Left is Right, Right is Left (omni version)
« Reply #18 on: May 12, 2023, 03:12:59 PM »
^ Yes, a spot-on and concise answer to the original question.  :coolguy:

There have been a number of times when I've recorded at the request of the performer specifically for their own use in assessing how well the material is working and the performance of the band rather than for general release.  In conversation with them about what they were looking for I've sometimes asked which perspective they would prefer to hear: as heard from the audience (facing the stage), or their own perspective while performing (facing the audience).  Most didn't really care and just choose one or the other.  One is a well respected jazz guitarist I dare call a friend, who chose to listen to the recording I was delivering to him while I was there, so I swapped channels and played a short segment for him both ways.  He remarked, "I didn't think it would make much difference eitherway, but that one (the one from his perspective facing the audience) sounds a lot more like I remember it".
musical volition > vibrations > voltages > numeric values > voltages > vibrations> virtual teleportation time-machine experience
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