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Author Topic: DPA - Battery box for microdot connectors  (Read 25966 times)

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Offline WiFiJeff

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Re: DPA - Battery box for microdot connectors
« Reply #30 on: January 26, 2024, 12:16:07 AM »
yeah on every phone ive ever tried, (2016-2022 era) from ios 10 to ios 17

heres a short vid

What you show in the video is what I see when I have the dpa app running in the background with the level lock off.  When I reboot the iPhone without the dpa app running and just load Metarecorder the Metarecorder levels control does nothing to the level of the incoming signal from the MMA-A.  If the dpa app will not run on iPhone 15, or will not adjust levels, will Metarecorder do this?  It would be nice to have a report from someone with an iPhone 15, MMA-A and Metarecorder that this would work.

Offline breakonthru

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Re: DPA - Battery box for microdot connectors
« Reply #31 on: January 26, 2024, 01:02:46 AM »
not sure why we are seeing different behavior.

heres a different phone. after verifying the d:vice settings were where i wanted, i disconnected it, deleted mma-a app from the phone, rebooted, and fired it up with only metarecorder. worked fine

ios 17.1.1 on a 2022SE

reproduced with different d:vice (newer than the first, with "MMA-A" badge instead of "dvice") on a third phone running ios11.4
didnt uninstall dpa app (as this is my main recording phone and i didnt want to risk breaking it), but i did close it out and reboot and connect dvice with dpa app closed. still have level control in metarecorder. all 3 phones are running metarecorder v2.2.1(222)

tested on a fourth phone (wife's 14 pro with ios16.2), with an install of metarecorder on a phone thats never seen d:vice app. upon connecting the dvice, the  phone gave me a message that the accessory uses an app not installed on the phone, but it worked fine with metarecorder when i dismissed the notification
my gut feeling is dpa gave you a generic answer (i think they outsourced the development as any question i ever had was referred to a "tech team" with the caveat that an answer would "take a while" - its possible that team is no longer available as a resource), considering the fact that its a class-compliant device that works out of the box with every ios version ive ever seen and also out of the box/driverless with android phones and windows and linux computers over both usb-a and usb-c, id really be shocked if it didnt work with an iphone 15 over usb-c. will try to test tomorrow
« Last Edit: January 26, 2024, 01:48:37 AM by breakonthru »

Offline WiFiJeff

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Re: DPA - Battery box for microdot connectors
« Reply #32 on: January 26, 2024, 01:49:58 AM »
not sure why we are seeing different behavior.

heres a different phone. after verifying the d:vice settings were where i wanted, i disconnected it, deleted mma-a app from the phone, rebooted, and fired it up with only metarecorder. worked fine

ios 17.1.1 on a 2022SE

reproduced with different d:vice (newer than the first, with "MMA-A" badge instead of "dvice") on a third phone running ios11.4
didnt uninstall dpa app (as this is my main recording phone and i didnt want to risk breaking it), but i did close it out and reboot and connect dvice with dpa app closed. still have level control in metarecorder. all 3 phones are running metarecorder v2.2.1(222)

My iPhone is an older XR, and I haven't upgraded from iOS 15.5 (updating iOS broke the Rode Recorder app I started with when the MMA-A came out, Rode never fixed that though they promised for years that a fix was coming).  I am also using 2.2.1 (222) for Metarecorder.  I also have both versions of the MMA-A.  Will play around some more.  I am comfortable with my MO of using the dpa app to set and lock levels and not use the Metarecorder slider, very few slip-ups in daily recording except when a connector comes loose (screw ups, like forgetting to select CAF and having the recording stop at 2GB, usually only happen once - learning by screwing up method).  Maybe I'm missing a setting on the Metarecorder menu?  Anyway, I have until all the lightning-connector iPhones are gone to wait and see if the USB-C ones can adjust levels (my laptop and android tablet software can't, though I haven't updated those or used them since playing around when the MMA-A first came out).  A nice upgrade from the MMA-A (multitrack, 32 bit float) would also be great.

Offline breakonthru

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Re: DPA - Battery box for microdot connectors
« Reply #33 on: January 26, 2024, 07:46:27 PM »
 Well I gave it a go at Walmart

The phones were in some demo mode and wouldn’t let me install apps even if I logged in. GarageBand was one of the apps on the demo install and it was able to control levels on the dvice (albeit as a ganged stereo pair- the interface was new to me)

 Dvice app was available in the Apple Store (but “get” was greyed out on all apps so I couldn’t go the last mile to see if it would install on an iPhone15), I still suspect it would work ok. Eventually I’ll come across someone with a 15 while I have my dvice on me, I’ll keep the usb-c cable in the kit for such a time…


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