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Fixing a "F'd up" mic....


Nick's Picks:
Hey all....
I've got a superlux s502 (first gen) that I have really enjoyed over the years...but now she isn't working all too well.   
It was years ago, but I think it got really wet at one point.
Now, at least one side is silent.   I'll have to plug it in again and test it for specifics.

I've unscrewed the caps and swapped them to see if the problem followed (it didn't).   
I'm perfectly comfortable taking it apart and looking around, checking the PCB for obvious signs of "fizzled chips".   
I know it's a cheap mic, and I'm not willing to dump any significant money on it.
The new MKII version is $350.   I think I paid just under $200 for this one (new) a decade ago.
any ideas?

Looks like you can still get the MK1 version. Company has a bunch of tubes for sale, maybe they bought some surplus or something $89 on Amazon.

Interestingly, the MKII version is manufactured for Superlux by B9 Audio, which has had a thread or two on here.  Just like with those microphones, the Schoeps capsules will work on it.

Nick's Picks:
yea, I saw that $89 deal on amazon (and bought it).
I wonder what some mk4's would sound like on that mic body.


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