Ssssooooo I've been digesting all your feedback so far. Here's what I'm thinking about buying/doing:
used Porta Brace bag
cables from that guy on this site who makes them with 90° XLR connections
mic stand and T-bar (to hold 4 mics)
AKG C1000 cardi mics (I already own) at far left and far right, pointed just to the outside of the PA speakers
two MBHO 440 cardi mics in the middle in XY, DIN, or ORTF position
shock mounts for 4 mics
new windscreens
Sound Devices MixPre 6
external power for the MixPre 6
I'm ditching the concept of using omni mics. Instead, I'll use the MBHO 440s to fill in the "hole in the middle".
I'll probably end up upgrading the AKG C1000s with AKG 480s.
For a LONG time, my favorite recordings have been made with MBHOs and AKG mics, so I figure I might as well try combining the two brands into one recording.
And BradleyYJ15, that's nicely done!
I definitely welcome any/all advice, criticism, feedback, etc.