
Gear / Technical Help => Recording Gear => Topic started by: Depechemode1993 on June 05, 2005, 09:00:48 AM

Title: New DAT Rec.?
Post by: Depechemode1993 on June 05, 2005, 09:00:48 AM
where can I pick up a new portable DAT recorder? my D8 has just died... I have looked everywhere for a new deck. like an M1 or D100. I know they were discontinued but someone should still have them in stock... thanks.
Title: Re: New DAT Rec.?
Post by: JackoRoses on June 05, 2005, 09:07:02 AM
where can I pick up a new portable DAT recorder? my D8 has just died... I have looked everywhere for a new deck. like an M1 or D100. I know they were discontinued but someone should still have them in stock... thanks.
www.sweetwater.com (http://www.sweetwater.com) had a m1 last time I was there..
Title: Re: New DAT Rec.?
Post by: T.J. on June 05, 2005, 11:34:53 AM
where can I pick up a new portable DAT recorder? my D8 has just died... I have looked everywhere for a new deck. like an M1 or D100. I know they were discontinued but someone should still have them in stock... thanks.

i have an M1 for sale that is practially new. check it out here: http://taperssection.com/index.php?topic=40972.0
Title: Re: New DAT Rec.?
Post by: Genghis Cougar Mellen Khan on June 05, 2005, 12:17:26 PM
you could also send your d8 into paul at prodigital, he does good work and it'll cost less.

fwiw, i'd buy a used one if i were you, you'll save a good $400 over buying new these days, dats have gone down in price used.

Ditto, so would I...  :P
Title: Re: New DAT Rec.?
Post by: Depechemode1993 on June 05, 2005, 01:31:56 PM
where can I pick up a new portable DAT recorder? my D8 has just died... I have looked everywhere for a new deck. like an M1 or D100. I know they were discontinued but someone should still have them in stock... thanks.

i have an M1 for sale that is practially new. check it out here: http://taperssection.com/index.php?topic=40972.0

yeah I don't have $550 right now. I have about $200.

Sixto- I will probably do that as well. I think I will get a backup rec. (D8) then one to rewind tapes and transfer (Tascam DA-20KII) and one to tape (M1 or D100)

I think I ruined my heads when I put in a 90m when I was going to tape New Order and when I went to pull it out and the tape got caught on the heads and I ripped it right out!  :-\ I should have been more careful
Title: Re: New DAT Rec.?
Post by: Lil Kim Jong-Il on June 05, 2005, 01:47:14 PM
I think I ruined my heads when I put in a 90m when I was going to tape New Order and when I went to pull it out and the tape got caught on the heads and I ripped it right out!  :-\ I should have been more careful

Are you sure the heads are ruined?  You might have bent a guide causing an alignment issue.  I think that would be a relatively simple thing to have fixed.
Title: Re: New DAT Rec.?
Post by: bluegrass_brad on June 05, 2005, 02:16:17 PM
I think I ruined my heads when I put in a 90m when I was going to tape New Order and when I went to pull it out and the tape got caught on the heads and I ripped it right out!  :-\ I should have been more careful

Are you sure the heads are ruined?  You might have bent a guide causing an alignment issue.  I think that would be a relatively simple thing to have fixed.

This would be my guess as to what is wrong.  I would send it in to Pro-Dig and let them take a look.  Since you are also looking for a full size deck, FWIW I bought a Sony A6 off of Ebay for $60 about three years ago and have had zero problems with it.  I use it to transfer all my old DAT tapes to the computer.  Have probably transferred 600 DATs with it and had zero problems.  I also took it on tour when I was multi-tracking and doing monitors for YMSB.  Had it rack mounted and taped probably 150 shows with it ( got a JB3 later and left the DAT at home for the last few tours with them). No problems.  One of the better bang for buck deals Ive had. Maybe keep an eye on Ebay and try to score a deck with low hours.  Just remember to buy from some one with lots of good feedback.
Title: Re: New DAT Rec.?
Post by: Depechemode1993 on June 05, 2005, 04:13:22 PM
I don't know if the heads are ruined. it plays and records just fine with no digital scratching or anything. just when I rewind it it won't rewind.
Title: Re: New DAT Rec.?
Post by: bluegrass_brad on June 05, 2005, 04:29:49 PM
I don't know if the heads are ruined. it plays and records just fine with no digital scratching or anything. just when I rewind it it won't rewind.

Definitely not a head problem than.  The rewind problem could just be the rewind motor wearing out.  My D8 would do that sometimes towards the end of the time I owned it.  But not always.
Title: Re: New DAT Rec.?
Post by: Lil Kim Jong-Il on June 05, 2005, 06:01:26 PM
Yup, the motor is wearing down - about the 100th time I've read this story.  Stop using 90m tapes.  I know they are convenient for long sets but really, you aren't saving that much money.   I used a lot of 90m tapes when I was paying $6.50 for orange hub sonys, but now tape is so cheap, just use the 60m tapes and use the deck for recording only.  Get yourself a DA20 for transfers.  I've had my DA20s for over 9 years and last time they went in for service Paul said they have a lot of life remaining.
Title: Re: New DAT Rec.?
Post by: Depechemode1993 on June 05, 2005, 06:25:46 PM
should I get my deck serviced every year? Before I got my used D8 it had about 15 hrs. on it. I put on about 50. so I only have about 65 hrs. on the heads. mostly from playback. All I have at the moment is about 40 90m DATs I got from a friend. I am so sick of paying $12 of the monopolized Guitar Center at my house for some shitty TDK 120 min DATs. how many minutes are on a 60m (124?) I just need to save some money and sell some stuff!  :laugh:
Title: Re: New DAT Rec.?
Post by: Lil Kim Jong-Il on June 05, 2005, 07:12:05 PM
You do not need to get the deck serviced every year.  The service interval should be determined by the number of hours and the type of tape you use.   My D7 is coming up on it's 11th summer and the first time it was serviced was last fall.  I should have sent it in before but I didn't because I really didn't expect it to last this long.  The main thing with these decks is that they have little heads and little motors.  The 90m tapes do wear on the motors more than the 60m tapes.  The more you use the motors (rewinding and cue) the faster they wear.  That said, I ran my deck for 6 years before I started to see any issues and now even after service I still have the issue with the time code skipping during rewind.  Other than that it is rock solid and Paul said it had no errors during the tests he ran after the maintenance visit.

You shouldn't be buying TDK DAT tapes at Guitar Center - too expensive.  I use the 60m (120minute) DDS HS4 Maxell's from Doug Oade, although other vendors are very good too.  The HS4s are the only DATs that have been solid for me over the last 3 years.  The Sonys have load issues in my deck since Sony changed the shell design.  They used to have the best shell, now I think the Maxell does (of the tapes I use - hhb are awesome in all regards but I don't have that kind of money for media).  Different people do report different results.  I think it has something to do with the individual deck and tolerances of it's transport adjustments.

Those hours you mention just don't seem right.  I think that deck had more hours than that before you got it.  As I mentioned, I had 6 years on my deck (probably close to 700 hrs) before I saw any issue that might be motor related and even now it's not a problem rewinding since I've gone exclusively to 60m tapes.  If I were you I'd send that deck in for a tune up and also I'd sell those 90m tapes to someone with a strong deck and buy some 60m tapes.   I completely blew off all the warnings about 90m tape and I did fine for a long time but as soon as I started to see some issues, I went with the 60s and I think that allowed me to keep running without further damage.  In any case, I ran 90m tapes without an issue  for many many years.  A D8 with 65 hours should be strong enough to tow a small boat.  Paul can assess the transport and estimate the true hours.  It may actually have less than 100 hours and just need a lube and alignment.  Honestly, there wouldn't be so many people fluffing ProDigital if they weren't so good.
Title: Re: New DAT Rec.?
Post by: Depechemode1993 on June 05, 2005, 07:25:55 PM
I know ProDig is good. how much are those 60m from Doug? can you get a package?

+T in 12
Title: Re: New DAT Rec.?
Post by: Genghis Cougar Mellen Khan on June 05, 2005, 07:44:57 PM
I know ProDig is good. how much are those 60m from Doug? can you get a package?

+T in 12


$27.50 for a box of 10

Title: Re: New DAT Rec.?
Post by: Depechemode1993 on June 05, 2005, 07:52:22 PM
thanks sixto. you guys have all been a big help. I wish people over at guitar center were the same! (those phookers!) I just have herd Tascams are TANKS. they last like 1,000 hrs. or something like that?

+T's all around! :)
Title: Re: New DAT Rec.?
Post by: Lil Kim Jong-Il on June 05, 2005, 08:59:38 PM
I just have herd Tascams are TANKS. they last like 1,000 hrs. or something like that?

If you keep the heads and transport clean they last well over 3000 hours.  They are very easy to manually clean.  I do manual wet cleanings regularly using foam or leather swabs and cleaning solution. I sent them to Paul for a professional tune up (lube, cleaning and alignment).