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Paradise taping and Photography questions...

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1st set only:
Hi All,

Im going to tape The Polyphonic Spree tonight at the Paradise in Boston. what is a better taping situation, on the floor stuck to "the pole" or using a boom mic stand on the Balcony? I kinda like being up as it is less crowded and I might have access to the board for a UA-5 matrix.

As for photography I forget what ISO should you be in for taking pics in a dark room with a lit stage (read: paradise).

Nick in Edinboro:

--- Quote ---As for photography I forget what ISO should you be in for taking pics in a dark room with a lit stage
--- End quote ---

Is this a digital camera?  ISO speed is related to the film, or possibly in your case a setting on the digital camera (since it's sans film ;D).

800 ISO speed film or faster is best. Couple that with a lens capable of a constant aperture of f2.8 or lower and you should get decent results.

1st set only:
digital olympus c-4000 4.0

1st set only:

Nick in Edinboro:
Cool!  Well if you can set the ISO speed, set it for 800 or 1000, if it's too "grainy" take it down some.  I think you should be able to set your aperature too, if so the smallest number you can get is the best (most wide open so more light comes in).

Try and not use the flash, past the fact it probably disrupts the band a little, I think shots with the flash look unnatural.

Example, two different photographers from same night, on my site.

With flash

Without flash


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